论文 代写:税收系统的问题故障及其相关因素

论文 代写:税收系统的问题故障及其相关因素

自新财政年度开始以来,我的新税制和我的政府制度一直受到几个问题的困扰。不同的用户要么无法访问网站,要么在填写特定的纳税申报单时收到错误信息(Wang et al., 2011)。这就迫使客户从填写纳税申报单开始。似乎一整年的时间对于澳大利亚税务办公室在线准备系统来说是不够的。这似乎已经崩溃的交通重量,并留下用户没有能力提交超过税收的回报(库克等,1999年)。许多用户无法访问这些系统,他们求助于社交媒体平台来显示他们的压力。导致这个问题的有几个因素。关键可能是,在系统发布之前,运营团队没有以最好的方式关注系统的管理。而且,团队在工作中的领导能力似乎也不够。

论文 代写:税收系统的问题故障及其相关因素






论文 代写:税收系统的问题故障及其相关因素

Ever since the initiation of the new finance year, the new My Tax system and the system of My Gov were plagued through several issues. Various users were either not having the ability of accessing the site or they received messages of error when undertaking to complete specific tax return sectors (Wang et al., 2011). This forced the customers to start from the beginning of filling their tax forms. It seems like a whole year was not sufficient for the office of Australian taxation for preparing its system online. This appeared to have collapsed under the traffic weight and left users to not have the ability of lodging the returns over taxes (Cook et al, 1999). Various users had not been able to access the systems and they turned towards social media platforms for indication of their stress. There were several contributing factors resulting in this issue. The key can be that the operations team did not focus on management of the system in the best possible manner before its release. Also, the leadership of the team at work seems to be incompetent.

论文 代写:税收系统的问题故障及其相关因素

The system was conceived as a unit to process data rather than considering it to be a system to process information.
The system did not help in providing the data which is required by the Australian Tax office team but had a tendency of providing the data that the function generally called towards. This made the system to become a system of impersonal nature.
The complication within the system was underestimating and it did not recognize the design appropriately. This led towards issues in implementation of successful nature.
Enough focus was not given to the aspects of quality control with regard to the inputs, processes and the outputs that lead towards MyTax system checks and controls insufficiency.
The system was developed without ensuring that there is streamlining of the systems transaction related processes.
