

多年來,BMI醫療一直致力於創造一個良好的工作環境,吸引、發展和留住有才華的員工。獨立醫療服務提供商的領導目標始終是作爲一個負責任的僱主獲得社區的認可(Stepniewski和Bugdol, 2010)。過去,BMI醫療保健中心的領導發起了一項脈搏調查,這項調查是根據英格蘭、蘇格蘭和威爾士地區BMI醫療保健醫院近6500名員工的意見和建議完成的。個人可以通過它來收集知識和技能,並在組織平臺內發展他們的信心和有效的效率。在“脈搏”調查之後,領導層對過去領導用來控制和管理內部工作氛圍的制度進行了重組。領導層制定了一個有競爭力的薪酬標準。爲員工福利提供全面的薪酬方案,併爲在三個國家的BMI醫院工作的所有員工提供非財務激勵和特別激勵(Fernandes, 2009)。員工具有競爭力的工資水平和完善的薪酬體系,包括固定的養老金計劃、私人醫療保險、人壽保險、朋友或家人的BMI醫療折扣福利和托兒券。除此之外,在BMI保健醫院工作的員工還可以獲得免費的年度健康評估設施。除了這些廣泛的設施外,BMI醫療保健的領導層還推出了特別的和非經濟的激勵措施,比如爲每位員工提供聖誕巧克力、折扣健身會員卡、每月以現金券、食品券或餐廳券形式發放的獎金券等。BMI Healthcare爲員工提供了多種類型的獎項,以表彰他們的出色表現和對BMI Healthcare做出的貢獻,如“星光之夜”獎(the night of the stars ‘ awards),表彰他們對組織做出的傑出貢獻、月度獎勵計劃、年度告訴世界獎(tell the world award)、明星創意獎(star idea award)等。這家總部位於英國的全球私營醫療服務提供商爲員工提供培訓,並提供發展機會。BMI醫療保健的人員戰略旨在瞭解戰略能力,創建人才管道,在地方層面採取行動的同時思考國家問題。BMI醫療保健的幾乎每家醫院都啓動了正式的業務審查,以便執行董事和專業員工就病人的病例量、採用新程序或採購新設備進行諮詢(Giuliani和Kurson, 2007)。英國、威爾士和蘇格蘭的每一家BMI保健醫院都有一個醫療諮詢委員會,由來自不同部門的代表組成,每兩個月舉行一次會議,討論醫院的臨牀或非臨牀相關事宜。有12個領導敏捷實踐是實踐能力,需要廣泛的曝光,必須精通和有廣泛的經驗。領導力敏捷的12個實踐是:1。個人價值觀或敏感性的反映;3.情商的體現。對創造知識和概念的反思,以及讓下屬理解知識的能力。4. 反思精神對團隊的全面影響。5. 補充接入能力,6。7.創造學習能力。8.文化能力的補充。重新關注整體領導力,9。10.重新把重點放在對很多人的溝通上。把注意力重新放在1和11之間的交流上。在整個過程中獎勵變化。對敏捷和彈性的獎勵。所有這些實踐都支持將領導者評估爲更高效的領導者。在這種情況下,BMI健康護理公司將受益於這四個水平。而且,隨着公司實力的增強,領導者和合作領導者的期限也在嚴重的情況下增長。


BMI Healthcare over the years has been engaged in creating a well working environment that will attract, develop and at the same time retain talented employees. The aim of the leadership of independent healthcare provider is always to obtain the community recognition as a responsible employer (Stepniewski and Bugdol, 2010). The leadership at the BMI healthcare in the past had initiated a pulse survey that was completed by taking the opinion as well as the recommendation of nearly 6,500 employees working with BMI Healthcare hospitals across England, Scotland and Wales. The individuals can gather knowledge and skills through it and develop their confidence and much effective efficiency within the organizational platform. The leadership following the pulse survey had initiated a restructuring of the system with which the leaders in the past used to control and manage the internal working atmosphere. The leadership has set a competitive rate for pay out. A comprehensive pay package for employee benefits and offers nonfinancial as well as ad hoc incentives to all the employees working at the BMI hospitals across three countries (Fernandes, 2009). The competitive pay rate and comprehensive pay package for the employees include a defined pension scheme, private medical cover, life insurance, a friends or family BMI healthcare treatment discount benefit and childcare voucher. Besides these, the employees working at the BMI Healthcare hospitals receive a free annual health assessment facility. Apart from these broad facilities, the leadership at BMI Healthcare has introduced ad hoc and nonfinancial incentives like Christmas chocolate for every employee, discounted gym membership, monthly bonus bonds in the form of cash vouchers, food or restaurant vouchers etc. BMI Healthcare confers on employees several types of awards for performing well and contributing to the BMI healthcare such as the night of the stars’ awards which provide recognition for exceptional contribution to the organization, monthly award scheme, annual tell the world award, star idea award and many other awards. The UK-based global private healthcare provider offers training to its employees and provides opportunities for development. The people strategy of BMI Healthcare is aimed at understanding strategic capabilities, creating a talent pipeline and thinking national while acting at the local level. Formal business reviews are initiated at almost every hospital of BMI Healthcare to enable executive directors and specialist employees consult over patients’ caseloads and adoption of the new procedure or procuring of new equipment (Giuliani and Kurson, 2007). Each of the BMI Healthcare hospitals across the United Kingdom, Wales and Scotland has a medical advisory committee comprising of representatives from different departments which meet bi-monthly to discuss clinical or nonclinical related matters of hospitals. There are 12 leadership agility practices that are practised abilities, which need extensive exposure and must be proficient and have broad experience. The 12 leadership agility practices are: 1. Reflection of the personal values or sensitivity, 2. Reflection of the emotional intelligence, 3. Reflection of creating knowledge and concept and ability of making the subordinates understand about the knowledge. 4. Reflection of mind full impact on the team. 5. Replenishing the access capacity, 6. Creation of learning capability, 7. Replenish of cultural competence, 8. Refocus on total leadership, 9. Refocus on the communication between on to many, 10. Refocus on the communication between on to one, 11. Reward the changes throughout the performance and 12. Reward for agility resilience. All these practices support a leader to be evaluated as a more efficient leader. In this case of the company BMI Health Care, the company would be benefitted by the four levels. Moreover, the leaders and the co-leaders grows their maturities in serious condition with increasing the power of the company.
