








Classical music is defined as the kinds of music that follows conventional long-established principles rather than folk culture or popular traditional music. It has been originally written in lieu of the European culture and it follows a period from 1750 to 1830. It has been found that there are many modals of expressions of the classical music. Symphony, orchestra, operate, sonata and other standardized forms of musical expressions comes under this category of music. Classical music has a reputation for being old-fashioned and not being relevant in the modern times. However it has become clear that in the recent times there is a profound influence of classical music in the pop culture in general. There are several nuances that has been found and many allusions to the classical music that has been found in the pop culture.
Pop culture is the antonym of classical music. It is primarily showcased in the mass media and is popular among the youth demography of the population. Interestingly in the recent times there has been a profound influence of the classical music into the pop culture music. Many artists for their musical compositions are found to embed the element of the classical music into the modern pop music.
Purpose of this essay is to look into the nuances of this factors and analyze how pop culture has a profound effect on the classical music.
Social class wars in the societies and the gaps between the rich and the poor had caused people to change the way they listen to music. There has been a lot of consternation for the people who express that classical artistic music is interesting and soulful. But the rise of them modernist era and the post modernist era in the society had caused people to develop disdain against the specific kinds of music. Owing to this there has been a paradigm change in the society. Classical music was considered to be a stuff music in the populist agenda and was been treated as though they were for the elite older members of the societies. Nevertheless they have always sustained and existed in different forms owing to the unique kinds for expressions of these musics. It has been found that there are numerous expressions of the classical music in Cinema and in music owing to the impact they cause on the audience.
Active audience is in the modern era seem to be focussed on the specific impact these kinds of music causes them to feel. Due to this there has been a resurgence in the societies for the classical music. There ha been increasing affinities that has been developed by the people toward these kinds of music. It is because of the unique nature of the music and their specific positive functions that they have on the societies that the classical music continues to prevail in the modern era.
Beethovan, John Brion, Maz Richeter are some of the popular classical music. populist opinion in the modern and the post modernist era had caused people to essentially feel that the classical music had no real impact to the society. It was treated with disdain and owing to this there was waning of this kinds of music in the society. In reality there are a number of people who are interested in this kind of music and active audiences have started to emerge in the societies. The reason for the popularity of this kinds of music is that the people like the narrative elements of the classical music and they feel happy and satisfied hearing these kinds of music. Due to this reason there has been a gradual increase in the classical music. It is seen to be prevalent in many of the popular songs and popular cinemas that has been essayed in the pop culture.
