

在20世纪现代主义,现代主义建筑完全成熟的产业化面临的问题域作为一个名副其实的爆炸其次是社会革命 – 第一次 – 介绍新的客户端架构的群众。这种爆炸性的膨胀是平行的新的解决方案空间的设计任务,提出了大批量生产的住房计划,减少组件到最低。因此,随时提供新的建筑方法钢和钢筋混凝土,以及出现的新的设计资源交付的抽象艺术开放迄今无法想象的境界,创造性的正式发明和生产的极端表现形式。 (弗朗西斯D.K,2011)。年轻的勒·柯布西耶的兴趣和知识的钢筋混凝土和广泛使用的整个职业生涯中的一个。


In 20th century and Modernism, modernist architecture was faced with a veritable explosion of the problem domain as full blown industrialization was followed by social revolutions which – for the first time – introduced the masses as new clients of architecture. This explosive expansion of design tasks was paralleled by new solution spaces, proposed a mass-produced housing scheme that reduced components to minimum. Therefore, the ready availability of new construction methods steel and reinforced concrete, as well as the emergence of the new design resources that delivered by abstract art opening up a hitherto unimagined realm of creative formal invention and produce extremely expressive forms. (Francis D.K, 2011). The young Le Corbusier was one of the interest in and knowledge of reinforce concrete and use extensively throughout his career.
