
本篇论文代写-中国建筑的研究讲了中国建筑的层次结构是传统形式的另一个重要元素。这种建筑布局是中国传统建筑中常见的。在这种情况下,前门是非常重要的。建筑的正面是大门,被认为是更重要的。在后方的这些建筑被认为是为家庭的长者保留和显示尊重。本篇论文代写文章由美国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Hierarchy in Chinese architecture is another major element of traditional form. This kind of architectural placement of the buildings is found in traditional Chinese architecture. Under this, the front facing doors are very important. The buildings, which are made with facing front doors, are considered as more important. Such buildings in the rear part were considered to be reserved for the elder of the family and display respect and esteem (Liu, 1989).

Some of the colors, numbers and cardinal directions also have importance in the traditional Chinese architecture. The traditional architecture believed in some kind of imminence, considering the fact that nature of a thing can provide a great impact over other thing. This also showed that their architecture was not dependent on any temporary belief system but had complete detailed view about everything used in construction (Liu, 1989). The earlier Chinese text ‘Kaogongji’ offers the information about architectural literature of China (Boyd, 1964). Though ‘ideal’ cities could not be made as the idea of cosmic harmony and the city’s order were understood with basic construction elements (Boyd, 1964). City of Beijing, which was reconstructed in the fifteenth and sixteenth century, provides the best example of town planning in according to traditional Chinese architecture.

The buildings in traditional China were made with wood, which could not survive the effect of time. The wooden buildings were more susceptible to fires and weather and were naturally ruined by the time. Most of the residential towers, pagodas and watch towers have been ruined. The Songyue Pagoda is the oldest existing pagoda in China, which was built in 523 during the reign of Northern Dynasties (Boyd, 1964). It resisted time and nature as bricks were used in its construction instead of wood. Many literary records and books have stated that most of the pagodas during Wei and Hah dynasties were made with wood and had multistory structures. These wooden structures were later replaced with one made with bricks. Songyue Pagoda is the earliest example of this kind of transition. With the advent of Tang Dynasty, the architecture made with stones and bricks were introduced in the Chinese culture. Thus, brick and stones were frequently used in the construction. Great Wall of China is also an example of early Chinese construction and is considered as the renovation of the Ming Dynasty.

