

为了理解商业运作,有必要理解社会一致性的类型。礼仪同构是由于社会中的某些事件而产生的。强制性同构是根据政府的强制性规则和规定派生出来的(Mizruchi & Fein, 1999)。模仿同构是为了管理不确定性而发展起来的(Mizruchi & Fein, 1999)。社会形态决定着企业经营的方式。这种社会形态是在社会经济意识形态的基础上发展起来的,社会经济意识形态支配着特定的地理位置。从分析中发现,生产的根源在于供给和需求。这种生产的根源与企业经营的财务管理有关,而财务管理又是由社会控制的。这些因素主导着公司商业模式的形成。一个地方的财务定义了定义一个地方的商业模型所需的所有关键变量(Chesbrough & Rosenbloom 2002)。商业模式随着技术的发展而变化,人们基本思想的变化,消费者的需求和金融的变化。财务控制资源配置、消费者购买力和单个企业的生产能力。

在工厂生产期间,财务控制着原材料的投入、人员的需求和产出。金融业务控制着技术增长的方向(Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002)。本厂生产后,新时代大企业生产应运而生。在这些情景中,股票和股票市场都是在这一时期发展起来的。投资者的概念在此期间被引入。控制企业生产、共同所有权和多重控制企业运营的关键方面的人员数量有所增加(Chesbrough & Rosenbloom 2002)。M型业务层次结构取代了传统的U型业务模型。


To understand the business operations, there is a need to understand the types of societal conformities. Ceremonial isomorphism is derived because of certain events in the societies. Coercive isomorphism is derived based on the mandatory rules and regulations of the government (Mizruchi & Fein, 1999). Mimetic isomorphism is developed for managing uncertainties (Mizruchi & Fein, 1999). Conformation of society decides the ways in which the business operations are conducted. This conformation of society is developed based on the socio economic ideology that dominates a particular geography. It has been found from this analysis that the root of production is based on supply and demand. This root of production is found related to financial management of the business operations, which in turn is controlled by the society. These factors dominate the formation of the business models of a company. Finance of a place defines all key variables required to define the business model of a place (Chesbrough & Rosenbloom 2002). Business models changed with development of technology, change in fundamental ideology of the people, requirements of the consumers and finance. Finance controlled resource allocated, buying power of the consumers and production capacity of the individual companies.
During the factory production time, finance controlled the input of raw materials, requirements of the people and output generated. Financial operations controlled the direction of the growth in technology (Chesbrough & Rosenbloom 2002). Subsequent to this factory production, new age big business productions emerged. In these scenarios, stocks and stock markets were developed during this time period. Concepts of investors were introduced during this time. There was an increase in the number of people controlling key aspects of the business production, joint ownership and multiple controlled business operations (Chesbrough & Rosenbloom 2002). The M shaped business hierarchy replaced classical U shaped business model.
