



Thomas Jefferson was an American founding father who had played an important role in the Declaration of Independence (1776). He was the vice president of the United States. He was elected as the Third President of the United States. He was a proponent of democracy. He is known for the ideology in the Declaration of Independence that states “All men are created equal”. These five words had been echoed in many forms in his political ideology. He played an important role which motivated America to seek freedom from Great Britain. He was instrumental in forming key ideologies and principles for modern day America. He is a greatly respected President who had advocated for democracy. He considered being an inhuman practice where slavery should exist in the nation. In his autobiography he had repeatedly stated the anarchy that it is to enslave people for economic gain. He was against the policy of having slaves as property and had repeatedly fought in congress for the emancipation of slaves. He even increased the cost of owing a slave in an effort to discourage the people from enslaving people. He often stated that owing a slave is detrimental to the master and the slave is considered to be an archaic practice that entails “holding a wolf by the ear”. Jefferson also iterated that black people did not have any real talents to survive in the society where it was riddled with racism. In this situation, racism would prevail and the black and the white people would continue to remain as two separate nations. Hence, he wanted to actually give training to the black people and the tools for them to survive in the society. He was worried about the quality of life of the slaves after being released or emancipated in the societies. He also warned congress and the people that continuing to hold people under perpetual slavery would result in the slave revolt and would cause a civil war in the nation. He used the example of Haiti 1791 revolt as an example of the repercussions of the war.
