

英國政府就改善空氣質量計劃草案的磋商已經結束。政府一直遵循一定的主題來應對汙染問題(Agyeman, 2003):






可以看到,針對個別地點和部門采取的管制行動會造成多重汙染事件,或者有證據表明持續不遵守規定。目前在聯合王國範圍內采取的綜合汙染控制行動可以被確定為環境管理的一個重要組成部分,盡管它已經部分完成,而且在重點關註的主要汙染源方面的範圍有限(Foulger, 2009)。該系統被認為具有有效性,提供基於價值的經驗遠遠領先於英國邊境。政府指出,它對利用市場上的力量有著關鍵的承諾,盡管與經濟有關的工具得到了廣泛的利用。這可以被確定為環境政策的一個關鍵因素。

目前,已經出臺了更嚴格的水汙染和空氣汙染法規,同時消除了對海洋的排放。這已導致需要處理和處理的廢物數量增加。引入嚴格的責任和法規,同時顯著提高處理成本,同時迫使一些垃圾焚燒廠和場地關閉(Foulger, 2009)。土地汙染已經對環境造成了長期的威脅。在整個意義上,毫無疑問,聯合王國在今後幾年裏在廢物和汙染的管理方面一直面臨著一些挑戰。


There has been a closure of the consultation of UK Government on the draft plans for improving the quality of air. The government has been following certain themes for responding to the issue of pollution (Agyeman, 2003):
(1) Improvement in the management of marine and general environment
(2) Improvement in the management of natural resources
(3) Research on the major pollution related issues and enhancement of participation from the public
(4) Consideration of jurisdictional issues
(5) Reduction of environmental effects of environment

egulatory actions can be seen focusing on individual sites and sectors to cause multiple incidents of pollution, or where there is an evidence for persistent non- compliance. The current move across United Kingdom in context with Integrated Pollution Control can be identified as an important component for management of the environment, though it has been completed partially and there is limited scope towards major sources of pollution in key focus (Foulger, 2009). The system is known to be having effectiveness to provide value based experienced far ahead of the border of United Kingdom. It has been stated by the Government that it has key commitment to the utilization of forces in the market, even though there is an extensive utilization of instruments related to the economy. This can be identified as a crucial element for the policy of the environment.
Currently, there has been an introduction of tougher regulation water and air pollution, while eliminating the disposal of sea. This has resulted in increasing the quantity of waste where there is an underlying requirement for disposal and treatment. Introduction of stringent responsibilities and regulations while raising the costs of disposal in a significant manner, while forcing a number of landfill incinerators and sites for closure (Foulger, 2009). Contamination of land had been posing a long- term threat of the environment. In the overall sense, undoubtedly, the United Kingdom has been confronting a number of challenges in the management of waste and pollution in the years to come.
