

保险政策包含一定的条件下,确保相同的伦理性和效率。共同保险的基本原则包括近因原则或最近的原因,损失最小化,代位求偿权,贡献,赔偿,保险利益和诚信原则和最大诚信原则(卡罗尔& Buchholtz,2006)。这些原则的主要目标是为人民提供保护,避免任何未来的不确定性和金融安全。保险人也有责任充分和有道德地使用有关的金融资产。通过虚假陈述寻求利润的机会,可能会导致公司和被保险人之间的不信任,因为这是对条款和条件的直接违反。保险原则在公司和投保人之间有很强的相互作用和关系的情况下被认为是最好的。公司和个人都必须有道德意识,并且清楚地知道他们的职责和责任。
商业道德强调在个人和组织层面上审查政策和行为,并促进组织内适当的政策和行为。当今的商业道德被认为是一个公司中最重要的方面之一,因为它有助于鼓励每一位员工走向专业化和社会福利,从而最终形成客户的基础和竞争优势。企业伦理的概念是在第十九世纪新;企业伦理是一套结合世俗禁欲主义的信念,根据该员工将更多精力放在了延迟满足、合理规划、节俭、自立、努力(卡罗尔& Buchholtz,2006)。今天,商业道德更多地是根据相关利益相关者的偏好和要求和法律规定来调整业务活动,以避免争议的紧张局势的发生。社会价值观的转变似乎对最重要的规则起到了越来越大的作用。


1.Insurance Principle
The insurance policies are inclusive of certain conditions which ensure the ethicality and efficiency of the same. The common insurance principles include principle of causa proxima or nearest cause, loss minimization, subrogation, contribution, indemnity, insurable interest, and uberrimae fidei or utmost good faith (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2006). The main objective of these principles is to provide the people with the protection from any future uncertainties and financial security. It is also the responsibility of the insured people to use the concerned financial cover adequately and in an ethical manner. Seeking opportunities for profits through false statements may lead to distrust among the company and insured individual as it is the straight violation of the terms and conditions. The insurance principles are considered to work best in the situation where both the company and insured person have a strong interaction and relationship in between them. Both the company and individuals must be ethical and well aware of their duties and responsibilities.

2.Business Ethics
Business ethics emphasize on examining policies and conduct and promoting adequate policies and conduct within an organization at both individual and organizational level. Business ethics today are considered to be one of the most significant aspects within a company as it helps in encouraging each of the employees towards professionalism and social well being, which eventually leads to stringer base of customers and competitive advantages. The concept of business ethics is new as in 19th century; business ethics was a set of beliefs incorporated with secular asceticism, in accordance to which the employees focused much more on delayed gratification, rational planning, frugality, self reliance, and hard work (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2006). Today, the business ethics is more about aligning the business activities in accordance with the preferences and demands of the associated stakeholders and legal provision to avoid the occurrence of tensions of controversies. Shift in societal values seem to have played the most significant rules to the increased interest in the concerned topic of business ethics.
