
本篇美国Assignment代写-人们观看习惯的主导因素讲了人们想要一个既能娱乐自己,又能与他们的生活相关联的节目。在这种模式下,观看节目的人会受到他们的社会地位和当前的宏观环境变量的影响。影响人们观看内容的因素有年龄、性别、种族、经济地位、教育水平、职业和文化价值观。在这一原则的主导因素是当前的年龄和性别。这些被发现在整个光谱中占主导地位。本篇美国Assignment代写文章由美国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

People want a program that entertains them as well as relatable to their life in general. In this paradigm, people who watch a program are influenced by their social status and macro environmental variables current. The factors that influence the people to watch content are age, gender, race, economic status, educational level, profession and their cultural values. In this the principle dominating factors are the age and gender of the people current . These are found to be predominating across the spectrum.

For example, television was once designed for the passive audience. Passive audiences are the people who prefer to be receptive to the content drawn by the producers of the television shows. The development of television technology has given rise to more active audiences. The active audiences are the people who are instrumental in creation of the content. They are invested in how the show is created. There are many innate modalities that are found to be embedded in this design . The audience preference is based on their subjective situation. This encompasses both the macro environmental and the micro environmental variables. In this process, similar to the marketing of the products, the people become attuned to choose a TV programs based on their perception of their life. There is a profound influence on the social structure of the families and the content. The viewing habits of the people are found to be shaped based on the demography of the place.

