

1. According to the reports the triggers of the Deepwater horizon that led to the accident are human factors, in particular the poor decisions of staff, technical problems and design flaws of the oil platform. Reports stated that the cement pad at the bottom of the well could not hold hydrocarbons in the reservoir. Because of this, gas flowed through it in the drill column and condensated. After that, specialists of BP and Transocean Ltd. misread the testimony of measurements of pressure in the well borehole while checking for leaks. Then for the next 40 minutes, specialists of Transocean Ltd. did not notice that the well was flowing with hydrocarbons. Gas, which could be derived for a board, spread on a drilling platform through the ventilation system and fire detection systems failed to prevent its spread. After the explosion, a faulty mechanism failed the preventive fuse, which was supposed to automatically block the hole and prevent leakage of oil in case of emergency (Meyer, 2008).


