
这篇美国传媒学论文代写-奥斯陆和平进程的历史,需要了解制定解决办法的问题。如Lake & Rothschild(1996)所述,由于许多民族问题和社会冲突,国际冲突不断上升。多年来,族群间的差异和积怨是造成国家集体困境的重要因素。以巴局势为例,可以说存在着这种仇恨和集体困境。正如媒体报道所说,巴勒斯坦公民目前集中在一起。这些公民对以色列政府如何对待他们以及如何继续歧视他们感到愤怒。这里将介绍奥斯陆和平进程的历史。奥斯陆和平进程旨在为人民创造和平。它是由当时的巴勒斯坦权力机构发起的,设立在加沙地带。在加沙和杰里科之后,和平进程的执行很快就包括了巴勒斯坦其余的村庄和城镇,然而,这并没有得到保持。

There was a conflict of who broke the Oslo Accord first. At one end, Israeli government feels threatened because of the constant pressures from Palestinian citizens and at another end, Palestinian citizens believe they are being marginalized. The Jewish Arab relations have deteriorated and the Palestinian majority believe they are being taken advantage of and are pushed into a state of being economically underprivileged as well. The systemic inequality in the place is rampant and is visible (Ellis, 2004; Ramsbotham, et al., 2005).
The operation peace for Galilee or the first Lebanon war is long over and in current times it can be identified that Galilee is one of the first regions to attempt to balance a harmonious living of the Jews and the non-Jewish community. More than the governance, it could be said that people and other external stakeholders are involved in this peace formulations. A systems theory of developing peace management has indeed found its way into Galilee, and if the systems theory was also used during the ‘Peace for Galilee’ movement it could have been sooner.
Stakeholder Impact and Failures
In the past, the peace for Galilee moment as it was called was basically an invasion of Lebanon causes the PLO and its military infrastructures to be impacted. The threat to the Palestinian at this point was that their military structure was undermine. This was because of this full-scale assault of the Israel army. The war was harsh and its effects were observed on the different sides as people suffered. More than 660 deaths occurred on the Israel side. In the Palestinians side Both sides were seen to face economic difficulties.
This attempt to quell the conflict met with no success as was seen in the aftermath. There was a new unforeseen movement seen to come up now, which was the birth of the Hezbollah. The “peace of galilee” approach was one that was seen to be a failure because it went on to create further issues here. It resulted in the creation of the Hezbollah which was much more of continuous issues. With Israel coming out of the conflict quelling approach, the Hezbollah was more of a threat. It supported Palestinian fighters by equipped them with rockets and other form of armillary that only escalated the threat more. Israel counter terrorism operations and the operations of the Palestinian resistance movement were seen to result in a situation where there were more causalities than usual. There was a death of 121 soldiers, and there were as many as 43 civilians that died in the war along with many causalities on the Lebanese end.
This had resulted in much of the Israeli state Galilee’s surroundings are nearly devoid of their original population. As Thayer (2004) points out, most of the conflicts have their origins as religion and ethnicity that leads to subsequent ethnic scapegoating. Abusive tactics are used at this point by opportunistic politicians as well. Age old issues and animosities result in the continuing conflict and this leads to displacement of people on a large (Thayer, 2004). In the case of Galilee, thousands of Palestinian refugees have been moved and are unable to return to their homelands. There are many empty lands in Israel because of this situation. The demographic majority is that Palestinians and hence to have them back to their home grounds would be a threat to Israel.
In fact, the Palestinian farming villages where the people are displayed from are gated and have become Jewish Israeli communities which are a planned strategy to keep the Palestinians out. Coming back to occupied territories even if the situation was to happen again would not be the same as coming back to their homes. Residential colonies created in random are to take part as their surrogate homes in case they decide to come back. in this context, different stakeholder situations, different needs and more are identified. For instance, for the Palestinian that are still living in Galilee and the surrounding areas, the issues are about wanting their rights reinforced. They want to live in a situation where they are not demarginalized anymore. For those Palestinians who have become refugees at present, their priority is to get back to their homes, or at least into their original home situations.


