

现代主义是一种经济体系,在这种体系中,所有国家的市场都是自由的,可以自由地交换资本和人力。现代主义使工业现代化,用机器交换工人,随之而来的是体力的下降是自然的,倾向于按男子汉的时间工作的人越来越少。管理和行政使人们更倾向于管理和管理事物和过程,因此创造力的衰退蓬勃发展(Herlihy, 2010)。资本积累成为衡量一个人成功与否的主要指标,而与工人和雇员同等报酬的差距造成了他们社会关系的裂痕。当资本主义和现代主义制度使资本比人更受崇拜时,他的身份肯定会下降,尤其是对那些没有那么多钱、受到歧视和强烈边缘化的人来说。富人因为努力积累财富而被视为男性,穷人则被视为农民和工人,他们为微薄的金钱而工作。这种分化虽然很明显,但并不一定是真的,因为继承的财富是丰富男性财富的一个重要因素。因此,在更大的社会复杂性中,把一个穷人描绘成不重要和无关紧要的人,是男性气概被迫和无知地衰退的标志。


现代主义模糊了男性和女性在性格特征上的差异。例如,人们非常强烈地断言,由于母亲对孩子的过度保护带来的压力和影响越来越大,父爱正变得越来越女性化(Beavis, Guillemin & Pell, 2008年)。这增加了一个带着女性特质成长的男孩的问题,当他长大成人后,忘记了他的男性特征。今天,现代主义不关注工作父母的孩子的成长,这进一步使男孩在成长的早期与看护人分开时变得女性化。


Modernism is an economic system in which all national markets are liberal and free to exchange their capital and manpower. Modernism modernised the industries and exchanged workers with machines, following which the decline of physical strength was natural and less number of men were inclined to work manly hours. Management and administration made men more inclined to manage and administer things and processes and thus the decline of creativity thrived (Herlihy, 2010). Capital attainment became the primary parameter to assess the successfulness of a man and the disparity in equivalent pay to workers and employees created the rift between their social relationships. When the system of capitalism and modernism made capital being worshipped more than man, decline of his identity became certain, especially for those who had less money and were victims of discrimination and forceful marginalisation. The rich came to be regarded as masculine because of their efforts of amassing wealth, and the poor men came to be regarded as peasants and workers, who work for paltry amount of money. This divide, though visible clearly, is not certainly true because inherited wealth is a big factor in enriching men’s wealth. Hence, rendering a poor man as unimportant and irrelevant in the larger societal complex is a sign of forced and ignorant decline of masculinity.


Modernism has blurred the differences in the character traits of male and female gender. For example, it has been asserted very strongly that fatherly love is becoming more feminine owing to increasing pressure and influence of the mother’s overprotectiveness of the child (Beavis, Guillemin & Pell, 2008). This adds to the problem of a male child growing with feminine qualities and forgetting his masculine traits when grown into an adult. Today, modernism does not pay heed to the growth of a child of working parents, which further feminises the male child from his early growth years when left with a caretaker.
