

在英式英语和美式英语中,某些变化是明显的。这可以用一个简单的例子来解释。句号和逗号大多在结束引号外面。然而,这在美国英语和英国英语之间是不同的。因此,在构建主题时,作者需要考虑谁会阅读内容(Moran, Abramson, & Moran, 2014)。读者必须在作者的头脑中得到清晰的定义。然后他们必须继续向观众传达他们的信息。观众可能会对不同的标点规则感到困惑。由此可见,文化因素和地理位置在语言的建构过程中扮演着重要的角色。




In the case of British English and American English, certain changes are evident. This can be explained with a simple example. The periods and commas are mostly outside the closing quotation marks. However, this is found to vary between the American and British English. Hence when the writer is constructing the subject the writer needs to consider who will read the content (Moran, Abramson, & Moran, 2014). The audience must be clearly defined in the writer’s mind. They must then continue to express their message to the audience. The audience might get confused with the differing rules for punctuations. Hence, it is evident that the cultural factors and the geographical locations play an important role in how the language is constructed.


The rules of punctuation are found to change based on these factors. However, the changes are much nuanced. The changes in punctuations are not as explicit. The changes however can be observed. Owing to these factors, the original intention of the writer can be nebulous to the audience who reads the content. The writer must consider the language rules that will be universally accepted and understood. However, even the writer faces this limitation of the different forms and rules that exist within the English language. This continues to be an impediment for presentation of the issues.
