

全世界都认为海平面是非常重要的。海平面稍有上升或下降都会影响到居民、土壤条件、公用事业用水、农业、渔业和经济。居住在沿海地区的大多数人对海平面高度敏感。几十年来,许多研究人员对海平面上升进行了研究和调查。重点介绍了采取措施遏制海平面上升的几种途径;然而,要完全阻止这一增长几乎是不可能的。全球变暖是海平面上升的主要原因,在一段时间内,人类的努力是无法控制海平面上升的。由于臭氧层的恶化,地球的平均温度继续上升,从而增加了地球上的热量。当海水变暖时,它往往会扩张并占据更大的体积(Warne, 2015)。因此,海平面随着全球变暖的加剧而上升,这已经变得无法控制。海平面上升有许多后果,影响着动物和人类的生活。随着全球变暖加剧和海平面最终上升,预计这些后果将随着时间的推移而恶化;尽管如此,气候科学家们并没有停止设计有效的方法来对抗海平面上升的后果。

全世界的海平面都在上升,预计未来还会以更高的速度上升。当全球变暖还在加剧时,没有办法阻止海平面的上升。因此,只有采取预防措施,才能避免坠落造成的危害。这些后果正以洪水、动植物、农场和蓄水层的形式影响着人们的生活。由于这些地区的破坏,大量的政府资金被用于安全措施和恢复计划。此外,由于上述灌溉问题,来自农场的收入也受到了影响(Boselloet al, 2012)。世界上有很大一部分收入来自旅游和娱乐。在沿海地区,旅游和娱乐收入也受到影响,因为世界各地自然美景的丧失和洪水的可能性增加。


Sea levels are considered of high importance throughout the world. Any minor increase of decrease in sea level affects the inhabitants, soil conditions, water for utility, farming, fishing and economy. Most of all the people living near coastal area are highly sensitive the level of sea. Since decades, the rise in sea level has been studied and investigated by numerous researchers. A number of ways are highlighted to take measures against the sea level rise; however it is nearly impossible to completely stop the rise. Global warming is the primary reason of increasing sea levels which is uncontrollable by human effort over a period of time. The average temperature of the earth continues to rise due to deteriorated ozone layer, hence contributing to increasing heat on the earth. When water in the seas gets warmer, it tends to extend and occupy larger volume (Warne, 2015). Thus the level of sea increases with the increasing global warming which has become uncontrollable. There are numerous consequences of rising sea levels which are affecting the life of animals, and human beings. These consequences are expected to worsen over time with increasing global warming and ultimate rise in sea level; although, climate scientists have not stopped their efforts to devise efficient ways to counter the consequences of rise in sea level.
The sea levels are rising throughout the world and are expected to rise with increased rate in future. There is no way to stop the rising levels when global warming is yet increasing. Therefore, only precautionary measures to avoid falling in the consequent harms can be adopted. These consequences are affecting people’s life in the form of floods, plants’ and animals’ life, farms and aquifers. Due to damages in these areas a large amount to government funds are being spent on safety measures and recovery schemes. Moreover, revenue generation from farms has been affected due to aforementioned irrigation problems (Boselloet al, 2012). There are large portions of world’s revenues which are generated through tourism and recreation. In the coastal areas, tourism and recreational revenue is also being affected due to loss in natural beauty and increased chances of floods throughout the world.
