

据观察,大多数正确的道德行为是不清楚的,因此酒店经理可能会获得更深的理解时,实际情况发生。众所周知,酒店业在很大程度上依赖于现有的自然资源来保持业务的成功。因此,为了在当今时代成功地推进业务,酒店业应该致力于实现可持续发展和道德价值观(Matthews, 2016)。酒店已采取各种措施,引进可持续发展和伦理方法。除了商业上的大量好处,这是应该遵循的,因为这是正确的事情。


为了可持续发展,酒店减少了电力供应的消耗,减少了固体废物的产生,也停止了向水路排放废物。酒店也尝试回收他们曾经丢弃的东西。现在旅馆使用日光灯来节省能源。他们使用低流量的淋浴系统,既节约水又节省能源。Prud ‘homme和Raymond(2013)认为,使用当地产品可以节省运输成本。此外,绿色屋顶和太阳能热水器的安装减少了对能源的使用,并有助于进一步实现可持续发展。道德的工作环境是当今时代雇主和雇员的先决条件。因此,道德价值观开始变得越来越重要,并已在各种酒店得到实施。最初,可能会出现一些问题,但随着时间的推移,客户和经理都习惯了。


It has been observed that mostly the right ethical action is not clear, hence the hospitality managers may gain the deeper understanding when the situation actually arises. It is known that the hospitality industry relies heavily on the available natural resources to remain successful in the business. Thus, to successfully move ahead in the business in the present times, the hospitality sector should work on achieving sustainable development and working on ethical values (Matthews, 2016). The hotels have taken up various measures to introduce sustainable development and ethical methods. Other than a large number of benefits in business, this should be followed as it is the right thing to do.


For sustainable development, the hotels have reduced the consumption of power supplies, generation of solid waste and have also stopped discharging the wastes in waterways. The hotels also try for recycling the things that they actually used to discard. The hotels now use fluorescent light that saves energy. They use low-flow shower systems that saves both water and energy. As suggested by Prud’homme and Raymond (2013) the use of local products saves them the transportation costs. Moreover, green roofs and solar heaters installations have reduced the use to energy and helps further in sustainable development. Ethical working condition is the pre-requisite for both the employer and the employee in today’s time. Thus, ethical values have started gaining importance and have already been implemented in various hotels. Initially, some problems may arise but with time, both the customers and managers becomes habitual.
