
by | 3-Jun-2020 | 美国代写



第二次世界大战后,俄罗斯和美国之间的冷战开始了。美国代写人们普遍担心可能会发生第三次世界大战,战争的威胁正在世界上迫近。俄罗斯正在传播其共产主义和专制政权的意识形态。中国和朝鲜等国家已经接受了这种意识形态,这对亚洲和欧洲国家的民主进程构成了威胁(Foner 978)。朝鲜战争和越南战争被证明对这些国家是有害的。



Great depression was marked during the period from 1929 to 1939. To explain the roots of the Great Depression, it can be explained by the theory of Supply and demand. The asset prices of the products and the demand of the products and assets reduced. This leads to a negative spiraling of events. 美国代写This was initially seen in the stock markets and spread across the nations. The roots of the Great Depression were found to have its origins in America. Some of the reasons for Great depression has been touted to be protectionism policy, lack of governmental mandates or regulation, isolationism. Democratic President Roosevelt tried to overhaul many of the regulation and tried to provide newer regulations, but the mass unemployment of the state continued to remain the same. This was causing the nation to face sever backlash (Foner 769). Then came the World War II. It was during this time that the world nations were facing other political issues. Towards the end of the World War II, 美国代写America emerged as a super power in the world. The roots of the Great Depression are still studied by the economist and the politicians of the state to understand how quickly there can be catastrophe in the economy.

Cold War

The Cold War had stemmed between Russia and the United States美国代写 after the Second World War. The people in general were worried that there could be the next World War and there was the threat of war which was looming in the world. Russia was spreading its ideologies of communism and oppressive regimes. Countries such as China and North Korea had embraced this ideology and there was a threat to democratic processes in the Asian and the European nations (Foner 978). There was the War with Korea and Vietnam that was proving to be 美国代写detrimental to the nations.
