

一些农业发展专家认为,应该允许发展中国家参与这些工作。与贫困和粮食短缺作斗争的援助或援助本身阻碍了他们实现其目标。实现经济目标需要各方共同努力。稳定的政府,适当的法律和秩序,水资源的可用性和熟练的劳动力是决定一个国家繁荣的因素(Paarlberg, 2013)。




Some experts of agricultural developments gave their opinion that the developing countries should be allowed to be involved with the jobs. The fighting with poverty and food scarcity on their own as assistance or aid prevents them from realizing their goal. The realization of economic goal requires development from all sides. Stable government, proper law and order, availability of water resources and skilled labor are the factors which determine the prosperity of a state (Paarlberg, 2013).


Developed countries should have a broad look to help them realize their agricultural and economic development. The effects of global warming and increase in desertification in many parts of the world have posed a huge problem to food security. Recent US efforts to expand their food aid and various assistance programs for agricultural development had made important strides, but at the same time, it faces pressure to reduce the budget deficit. Better coordination is required for improving the US contribution to global hunger and poverty.
