




美国代写Relationship between UK and US during this time.

During the Second World War, United Kingdom and United States were allies. There were ideological 美国代写differences that were found to exist between the two. Nevertheless, they continued to remain as allies as their primary objective was found to remain the same.

In the aftermath of the war, Britain started to face severe financial crisis. There was economic boom in the United States after the war. The process of decolonization in Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka also had started. United States provided financial aid in 1946 to Britain. There was Anglo American loan that was signed. Apart from this, there was aid provided to Britain. The aid had carried the requirement for Britain to have more efficient planning and control of their financials. America and Britain understood the need for the nations to form a united front to deal with the rising communism in the nations. The growth of the Soviet was threatening the governance in these nations. US and Britain had coordinated to form the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) alliance. United States had used the aid granted to the United Kingdom to move towards the agenda that would best suit the interest of United States. This was the starting point for the relationships 美国代写between Britain and United States to become more strained. President Eisenhower presidential term of 1952 caused the relationship to be further strained. The lowest point in the relationship between the two nations was observed in 1920. Nevertheless, these two nations continued to try and maintain good relations.
