



塔内希·科茨(Ta-Nehesi Coates)的另一句名言“种族是种族主义的孩子,而不是父亲”,说明了种族差异和种族主义的存在,这些差异和种族主义仍然存在于我们之中。美国选民宣称所有生活在美国的公民都享有平等权利,但时至今日,卑微的工作大多由非裔美国人完成。



Each and every individual have their own dream which they try to pursue in their lifetime. Long time back, the United States had been symbolized as a land providing opportunity to all equally. The dream is about optimism, faith and ultimately finding one’s path and success. Similarly, American dream varies from person to person. Someone wants to achieve premier education, a very respectable job, steadfast transportation, freedom to live independently, or in the long run an affordable way of living and being financially secured. The essential idea of the “American Dream” is that regardless of birth, race, religion, creed and gender, each and everyone should attain what they are capable of and should be treated equally. For some individuals, the meaning of the “American dream” is more related to materialistic prosperity. Here they worked hard to get more money and thus neglecting their family life whereas some other gives more emphasis on simple and satisfying life. As I have been born and brought up in America, I have seen thousands of people across the border coming to America with a big dream. To start a new beginning in their life, most of the immigrants abandoned their deeply rooted connections with family, friends and loved ones, their languages, their jobs, their motherlands to follow their most precious dream.

In some parts of USA, where most of the African Americans live was mostly crowded by crimes and drugs but other part of the cities experienced smoother life. Coates early childhood in Baltimore was not pleasant. Coates used the word “other world” which emphasizes the other part of US where the white people reside a hassle free life. That part has more opportunity and freedom where they can dream big because of more organized life. The neighborhood was mostly subjugated by guns, drugs, rapes and diseases. Even the American law did not defend the blacks. In fulfilling American Dreams, the blacks were left out. They were not properly educated. “The classroom was a jail of other people’s interests. The library was open, unending, and free.” The passage illustrates that the American education systems were more concerned with fulfillment of the syllabus rather than the inquisitiveness of the child. Though he was not a good student but later in his life he was enrolled in a Howard University which is popular for Black people in Washington DC. He compares this university with a machine which mostly concentrated and captured the African people’s dark energy and thus injected it into the body of the student directly. The author lamented that he could not save his child from racism but at the same time expresses his joy of giving improved life to his child.
Another quote of Ta-Nehesi Coates “But race is the child of racism, not the father” which illustrates the presence of racial discrepancies and racism which still exists in US. The American constituency declares equal rights to all citizens living in US but still today menial works are mostly done by African American.

In spite of the cultural and regional diversity, American dream emphasizes on freedom, patriotism, individualism, flexibility, hard work and progress. They believe in optimism and always offer a better life than the rest of the country. Immigrants from different parts of the world came to US with ambition to achieve success. In today’s world, American dream emphasizes more on monetary security and economic prosperity. But this does not mean that hard work will always guarantee rewarding career and financial security. Economic discrepancies have shaken the confidence level of the American Dreams. One part of America is still characterized by sexism, disease, racism, poverty, educational isolation and slavery. In spite of many challenges, the United States is considered to be the most powerful and wealthiest nation.
