

在艺术史的概念,现在回想起来,比较不同的。在之间的每个作风,他们会从一个转移到另一个引起革命。从古老的传统,如哥特式到文艺复兴时期,巴洛克,新古典,历史主义,直到20世纪20年代中期,新的类运动开始初具规模建设 – 现代主义,密斯凡德罗,瓦尔特·格罗皮乌斯和柯布西耶的理论。他们完全否定历史的“风格”的概念,并强调了新的途径为广大人民群众的生活(弗朗西斯DK,2011)。然而,对纯粹的现代主义教条的运动出现在20世纪的后半期。 1966年,美国建筑师罗伯特·文丘里发布的宣言,在建筑的复杂性与矛盾一个反驳的纯度和正统的现代主义建筑语言。


Within art history the concept was applied in retrospect, to the comparison of different. In between of each style, they will arouse the revolution transfer from one to another. From ancient traditions like gothic to renaissance, baroque, neo classical, historicism until the mid-1920s, the new class movement began to take shape in the building – Modernism, theorizing of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier. They were complete rejection of the historical notion of ‘style’ and emphasized a new way of living for the masses (Francis D.K, 2011). However, a movement against the purist dogmas of modernism was emerged in the latter half of the twenty century. In 1966, American architect Robert Venturi released a manifesto, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture; a refutation of the purity and orthodox language of Modernism architecture.
