







The managers have different roles to play within an organization. These include interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. In order to succeed in these roles, deep understanding of human behaviour at both individual as well as group level is required. The world has become global village . This importance of understanding human behaviour has increased today as the diversity at workplace has increased. The organizational behaviour concepts are relevant from the perspective of managing workforce diversity, ethical behaviour, motivation etc.
Several studies have been conducted to highlight the significance of organizational behaviour. One of the studies has been highlighted that organization behaviour is a comprehensive study encompassing different aspects which individual, group and organizational structure are studied in relation to organizational growth .


Furthermore, the organizational components that need to be managed include not only people but also the structure, technology, processes and the external environment. Making decisions wherein all these aspects are considered is a huge challenge, and thus, it is important that theoretical framework are in place that can provide the path for the implementation of strategies with respect to these factors .
Traditionally the companies have been relying primarily on financial benefits for employee motivation. These traditional ways of managing the different components have become obsolete. The modern techniques are being employed to overcome these challenges. The managers are relying on the theories that have been developed to be employed in the organization. This also highlights the relevance of the theories that have been developed.
The above discussion provides viewpoint by analysing various studies that organizational behaviour is not only a theoretical framework, but also has practical applicability.
