



作为第一步,将选择每个特许经营单位的会员率。根据这些要求,将计算出所需的人员。这些人将通过多种渠道被聘用。在招聘新员工时,政府门户网站将提供帮助,招聘网站上将刊登一般性广告。现有员工将被要求提供推荐信和推荐信。Bounce Fitness希望成为一个机会均等的雇主,因此在员工的选择上会有多样性。将作出努力,确保为这一工作挑选的男女候选人的人数是平等的。所有的候选人都将受到平等和公平的对待。


PEST analysis of Australia suggests that the country is a stable democratic system that enables newer business to enter. From an economic standpoint, the disposable income of the people can support them in having leisure activities. Socially, the people are becoming more aware of maintaining good health and this will be used as a marketing strategy by the company. Technologically, the nation has grown tremendously and the people will feel comfortable if there is infusion of the latest technology. Hence, the right candidate would be aware of new technology and have a good working knowledge of health related fitness. The staff should have basic knowledge about the current technological trends and also be aware of the requirement of the health.


As a first step, the membership rates in each of the units of the franchise will be selected. Based on the requirements, there will be the staffing needs that will be calculated. The people will be hired through many channels. To hire new staff, there will be the aid of the governmental portals sought and there will be general advertisements in the job sites. The existing employees will be asked for references and recommendation. Bounce Fitness wants to be an equal opportunity employer, hence there will be diversity in the selection of the people . There will be efforts taken to ensure that the number of men candidates and women candidates selected for the job is equal. All the candidates will be treated equally and fairly .
