
本篇美国essay代写-雕像对社会学的重要性讲了一个地方或一尊雕像是模仿人的某些行为的。它暗示一个特定的象征性作品可以唤起人们的某些情绪。人们与特定地方的领土关系增加了情感价值。每当人们搬到一个新的地方,建立新的身份,他们试图在周围创造边界来保护他们。人们的这种行为往往与他们的文化生存机制有关。本篇美国essay代写文章由美国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Sociological Importance

A place or statue is a resemblance for enacting certain kinds of behaviour in people. It alludes that a particular symbolic piece could evoke certain emotions in people. The territorial relations of the people with the particular place add to the emotional value. Whenever people move to a new place and establish newer identities, they try to create boundaries around the place to defend them. Such behaviour of the people is often linked to their cultural mechanisms for survival (Morgan, 2016). A particular monument is associated to the notion of the past concepts, past events, important ideals and memories. These places use physical–psychological complexes that are interrelated properties. The social intelligibility of a particular place is found to be originated by the collective experiences of the people. The social intelligibility develops when a person lives in a particular space for prolonged periods of time. The properties of the places are transmitted socially and may stay for many generations and cultural periods. The role of the humans has special significance in defining of the place (Moran, 2002). There are bonds that are formed between the individuals and they constitute a part of the social identity of the individuals. The properties of the place are found to be transmitted through generations and cultural periods. It can be alluded that the people have social interactions with the place. When considering the place properties of the classical Aboriginal Australia, it is found that they had three kinds of grouping (Russell & McNiven, 1998). They are the larger territorial groups that are bonded by the cultural blocs, the clan countries and local places. After the colonization, there are efforts that are taken by the people from indigenous communities and European descent communities to work together. This has led to the creation of the creation of the Australian identity.

Modern Australia has developed a unique set of codes that categorize them as being ‘Australian’. These codes are represented in the media tools and in the civic rituals. From these texts, it has become possible to identify and locate the groups that are within the realms of the four-fold structure of the national symbolic boundaries (Short, 2003). These external dimensions enable the people to connect with the narrative that are associated with the spaces.

Hence the externalities of these monuments are combined with the intangible emotions. These are not merely statues as they represent the history of the past. They are indicators of the future. They serve as examples as to what would occur in the future. In this schema, there are differential opinions that the people have developed over time with regard to the national monuments. They are detailed in the following.

