

在布里斯班进行的一项研究中,100名调查对象被提供了问卷调查问卷是基于调查问题背后的动机。问卷调查法是在大范围内进行研究最被认可和流行的方法。这种方法远离了与有偏见的判断和各种歧义有关的上下文,因此使它成为进行研究的最佳方法。此外,问卷调查的方法成本更低,作为回报,它提供的答案具有扩展的清晰度和非常精确,并有助于获得的答案坚持问题的重点(Page, 2014)。布里斯班的节日活动以表格形式列入并纳入了结果。考虑到样本的均值和标准方差,提出了准确决策的假设。计算了参加布里斯班美食美酒展的游客样本的均值和标准差。满意度是发现均值的基础。游客的忠诚度和意图也可以定义为均值(Peng, Song & Crouch, 2014)。计算出的平均值用于找出与标准差相关的波动。



这个表格的方法是至关重要的,因为它是用来收集信息,它支持所需的数据,这是必不可少的研究员。一个用来评估和研究人们基于性别、种族、年龄、经济、收入水平和就业水平而存储的信息的统计工具称为人口统计表(Raj & Griffin, 2015)。该表掌握了研究中包括的重要变量,以便提出适当的建议。得出的结论是独立的,依赖于所使用的变量。


均值指的是与参与任何研究或研究的实体数量相除的数据总和。这被认为是一种非常灵活的统计工具,几乎在所有进行定量计算的研究中都广泛使用。均值有时被称为某些数据的平均值,因此,它被用来确保在大范围内进行分析(Witt, Brooke & Buckley, 2013)。数字运算平均数是对一系列数字的普遍估计的一种科学表示,它是把排列中所有的数字作为整体来处理的,而把排列中所有的数字包括在内。一般概述是通过对研究中提供的数据进行平均。




该方法有助于识别数据之间的关系。大多数组织的绩效被比较,并被用来说明与满意度、意图和忠诚度相关的变量(Waligo, Clarke & Hawkins, 2013)。这种关联的方法将有助于分析过程中所涉及的数据,以确保在布里斯班美食和葡萄酒展的与会者所看到的数据。




The research that is carried out in Brisbane, 100 respondents were provided with questionnaires that were basing upon the motive behind the questions that were basing on the research. The method of questionnaire is most recognized and popular methodology for carrying out research over a large area. This method is away from the contexts relating to judgments that are biased and various ambiguities and therefore enables it to be the best method for conducting the research. Moreover the method of questionnaire is of less cost and it in return provides answers that have an extended clarity and very much precise and helps in attaining answers that stick to the point of the question (Page, 2014). The festival activities in Brisbane were included and incorporated in a tabular form with the results. In account of mean and standard variation of the samples accurate decisions were postulated. The mean and standard deviation of the samples of the tourists that attend the Brisbane Good Food and Wine Show were calculated. Satisfaction was the basis in which mean was found out. The mean also is defined in the loyalty and intention of the tourists (Peng, Song & Crouch, 2014). The mean that was computed was utilized for finding out the fluctuations that were related to standard deviations.
Tools involved in the research
a) Demographic Table
This table is method that is crucial as it is used for collection of information and it supports the required data that is essential for the researcher. A statistical tool which is utilized to evaluate and study the information that is stored on the basis of gender, race, age, economy, income level and employment level of the people is called as a demographic table (Raj & Griffin, 2015). The table has grasped the important variables that are included in the research for postulating appropriate suggestions. The conclusions drawn are independently and dependently comply on the variables used.
B) Mean
Mean refers to the summation of data that is divided with the number of entities that are involved in any research or study. This is considered to be a statistical tool that is so flexible that it is extensively used in almost every research where quantitative calculations are observed. The mean is at times known as average of certain data and therefore, it was used for ensuring the analysis that was made over a large level (Witt, Brooke & Buckley, 2013). The number-crunching mean is a scientific representation of the run of the mill estimation of a progression of numbers, processed as the whole of all the numbers in the arrangement isolated by include of all numbers the arrangement. The general overview is provided by mean over the provided data in research.
C) Standard Deviation
The dispersion of the mean calculated is illustrated by the standard deviation which is used as a statistical tool. The peak and the skew regions of the data collected are indicated in accordance to the calculated mean. The increase in the spread of the result will lead to high standard deviation else it will remain as least as possible. The square root of the variance of the data provided results into the required standard deviation involved in the research.
D) Correlation
The methodology helps to recognize the relation of data with one another. Most of the performance of organizations are compared and is utilized for illustrating the variables that are related to satisfaction, intention and loyalty (Waligo, Clarke & Hawkins, 2013). The method of correlation will help in the process involved in analysis for the assurance of data that are seen in the attendees of Brisbane the Good Food and Wine Show.
E) T-Test
T-Test is used to evaluate the existence of the considered hypotheses. The hypotheses involve the valid and null ones and they rely on the results obtained from this test. This test is often regarded as an inferential tool for evaluating the hypothesis.
