

Bill Wadman是美国著名的肖像摄影师,他来自布鲁克林。他关于长曝光运动项目的作品曾出现在各种摄影杂志和其他门户网站上。此外,他还专门处理演练和后期工作流程的细节。他捕捉到的每一张图像都是通过一个概念演变而来的。他经常因为他的技术技巧的完美而受到赞赏,这些技巧往往比其他技巧更好,这些技巧实际上已经重新发现了摄影,并创造了捕捉照片的新形式(Wadman 1-3)。


Wadman对自己的作品不太满意,他总是希望能捕捉到更好的画面,并对技巧进行微调,这样他就能一直做到最好。这让他开始绘制背景,并自己制作mac电脑。他做过很多关于肖像摄影的讲座,他的客户名单显示,他与来自不同部门的所有领先品牌都打过交道,如吉列(Gillette)、Wired、《纽约时报》(New York Times)、瑞银银行(UBS Bank)、Eating Well、《世界报》(La Monde)和纽约证交所(NYSE)。他的个人项目展示了处理舞者在运动,扭曲,drabbles和其他电影方面的专业知识(Wadman 2-5)。这张照片也是长时间曝光的一个例子,他在拍摄之前草草记下了这个概念。


Bill Wadman is a renowned American portrait photographer based out of Brooklyn. His works on long exposure Motion project have been featured in various photography magazines and other portals. Further, he specializes in dealing with walkthrough and details on the post production workflow as well. Every image that he captures evolves through a concept. He is often appreciated for the perfection of his technical skills that tend to outperform and these skills have actually rediscovered photography and created new forms of capturing photographs (Wadman 1-3).


Less satisfied on his works, Wadman always looks forward to capturing better pictures and fine tuning the skills so that he can always give his best. This led him to paint backgrounds and also build Macs on his own. He has conducted numerous lectures on the portrait photography and his client list shows that he has dealt with all the leading brands from varied departments such as Gillette, Wired, The New York Times, UBS Bank, Eating Well, La Monde and NYSE. His personal projects demonstrate the expertise in dealing with dancers in motion, distortion, drabbles and other motion pictures (Wadman 2-5). This piece of photograph is also an example of long exposure where he jots down the concept before it is actually captured.
