




另一方面,儿童专区采用静态菜单(Hospitality School, 2016)。静态菜单显示一个固定的价格,全年可用。这种菜单风格很受孩子们的欢迎。小杜克和小饮料是可以订购食品的两类(the Duke, 2016)。一层和一层的酒水菜单按照客人的酒水/酒水菜单。菜单上必须有酒、鸡尾酒和烈性酒,可以以每小时7.5美元的价格购买。每种葡萄酒都有预先设定的价格和数量。


The type of service observed in The Duke restaurant contains a combination of menus. There are different menus for different types of consumers and the floors that they choose. The dining areas differ and there are about 22 beers on the tap and more than 50 bottled beers for the consumer’s enjoyment.
The ground floor has a separate food and beverage location and also an individual area for children to pick foods and dine in (Hospitality School, 2016). The ground floor beverage menu follows A La Carte style. According to A La Carte style, every food item is priced individually and customers can choose the meal along with any other beverage. This gives them the ease. With categories such as biting, classics, something more, burgers and more and to finish, it enables the consumer to choose and combine as per their interests.


On the other hand, static menu is followed for the children special area (Hospitality School, 2016). Static menu indicates a fixed price and is available throughout the year. This menu style makes it very popular among kids. Junior Duke and Junior Drinks are two categories under which the food items can be ordered (The Duke, 2016). Beverage menu in ground floor and the first floor follow beverage/wine menu for customers. The menu necessarily contains wines, cocktails and spirits that can be clubbed at $7.50 per hour. Every wine comes with a pre-assigned price and quantity.
