





The significance of drawing in website cannot be overstated. Website designs have to be specific to the consumer. It has to appeal aesthetically and also have to be functional. Drawing skills will be helpful in the context of preparing graphical designs for logo design for the website, the user interface design, the template design for the website home page and rest of the contents. More unique drawing skills are needed in website design, mainly because of the diverse consumers who would come across the content. The graphic designer would be needed to combine designs, symbols, illustrations, and photography from both print and electronic publications. Unique forms and combinations would be required here and I think it is this innovative and creative edge in me that makes me have an interest in graphic design.


Drawing in print design is useful for as much the same reasons that I have stated for the website, except that print design requires thinking about other aspects. There are only static aspects, unlike the website where there are interactive aspects. Therefore, in the case of the print design, it is necessary to consider many aspects such as the time a user might allot to the print, which depends on where it is printed. The size of the graphic design becomes a point of consideration here. A very unique drawing ability to be required in the case of the print design is understanding how the designing on screen and the design in print would differ. I understand from reading blogs of print and web designers that these differences between the two aspects are often missed by graphic designers, leading to issues in the final print.

