

项目管理风险——这是大型工程项目中常见的风险,尤其是这里讨论的这类风险,但具有不可弥补的损失潜力。这里确定的主要风险是在实施的所有部门中缺乏及时的沟通。当正确的信息没有被忽视,没有在正确的时间传递给正确的人,灾难就会出现(Floricel & Miller, 2001)。工程质量受损;可能会有人员受伤,甚至是致命的,以及由于沟通不畅而产生的许多无形的问题。及时的沟通还必须包括要沟通的正确信息,因为如此大的项目需要最好的沟通实践,而不是让任何“信息的缺乏”决定项目的命运。




Project management risk – This is a common risk in large engineering projects, especially of the kind discussed here, but has irreparable loss potential. The primary risk identified here is the lack of timely communication in all divisions of implementation. When the right information is not neglected and not passed on to the right person at the right time, havoc emerges (Floricel & Miller, 2001). The project quality suffers; there may be personnel injury, even fatal, and multiple intangible issues that can arise out of poor communication. Timely communication must also include right information to be communicated, for such a large project would require the best communication practices to not leave any ‘lack of information’ dictate the fate of the project.


Organisational risk – The project being executed by multiple agencies, both government and private, must coincide and align in terms of their individual and combined objectives. One major risk of organisational type is the weak or ill-equipped internal policies and procedures. This is important because when the organisation working on the project has a weak framework of work responsibilities and adherence to a quality performance policy, the project will suffer. There may be numerous errors resulting of poor execution, simply because of poor training, poor performance management awareness, and not meeting minimum quality performance threshold.
