
本篇美国酒店管理论文代写-中国农村妇女面临的问题讲了目前,中国是一个以资本为主导的出口适应型经济体。在目前的经济形势下,中国最有活力的劳动力正在向城市转移。中国农村人口向城市的迁移造成了家庭的分裂,目前农村人口大多由留守妇女、老人和儿童组成,留守人口约为“386199”(Jingzhong, 2016)。本文将探讨当前我国农村妇女面临的问题。本篇美国酒店管理论文代写文章由美国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The momentum of development and global capitalism has influenced China to experience fast urbanization and industrialization. Since 1980s, China has noticed fast growth in economy and has integrated with the global market. The country initially took agriculture to begin the reform. The Chinese government implemented the “Household Responsibility System” and eliminated collective economy and went back to peasant economy and finally replaced it with planned economy (Wu & Rao, 2009). At present, China is a capital dominated export-acclimatised economy. With the present economy, the country’s most energetic labourers are migrating to cities. The migration of rural population to cities in China has created a split in the family and in most cases the rural population now comprises of women who are left behind, elder people and children, The left behind population is around “386199” (Jingzhong, 2016). The present essay will discuss the issues that these rural women are facing at present in China.

Economic reform and migration affecting the rural women

The rural migrants and their life and work can be considered as transitory, marginal and precarious (Ding, 2007). The marginalized position has also led to the formation of “split labour reproduction”. Since it is not possible for the rural Chinese population to migrate as an entire household unit, some of their family affiliates have to stay back in the village. These left behind members include children, elderly people and women. Women who migrated to cities got limited opportunities for education. A survey stated that 20 millions of these women who migrated to cities are within the age bracket of 9 to 14 years and are entitled for free education (Jingzhong, 2016).

The rural-urban exodus has economic benefits that are not equally shared between the disturbed rural populations and among men and women. Each and every household is affected in a different manner depending upon their ways of migration (Wu & Rao, 2009).

The gender plays a vital role while earning opportunities and family responsibilities are concerned (Wu & Rao, 2009). It has been observed that if a family fails to migrate as a whole, then the most common strategy adopted is that the male member (husband) migrates to the city to work and earn (Ding, 2007; Goodburn, 2009). However, in the recent past, the number of women especially unmarried women migrating to the cities have increased. Nevertheless, it has been observed that they are prone to return to take care of their family, for marriage or for child birth. In 2006, China had 47 million women who are left behind in the villages (Ding, 2007). Women were forced to stay back because of the conserve social system of China and low demand of women in the labour market (China Statistical Yearbook, 2008).

