

苹果不仅将品牌或产品线延伸视为战略,而且一直在将两者结合使用。多年来,苹果的品牌战略一直专注于与数字战略相结合的最新产品和服务的开发。在这一战略下,麦金塔电脑公司的电脑项目一直是一些数字设备的数字中心。在当今时代,苹果公司也一直在为消费者提供一种和谐、同步、整合的体验,遍及公司所有的主要设备。iCloud被用于数字集线器(Valos et al., 2010)。公司目前正努力通过与社交媒体网络的深度整合,将这种体验延伸到公司控制范围之外。


本计划针对的客户市场包括年龄在18岁至32岁之间的人群,因为这些客户具有高度的技术悟性。这些人有意愿和需求为他们想要的功能和产品付费。因此,了解客户是如何为产品的成功销售做出购买决策就变得至关重要。这进一步涉及到选择受过大学教育的年轻人作为各自产品的关键潜在市场平台(Andersen and Paas, 2014)。此外,还将有免提功能的用户,包括在旅行中花费大量时间的个人,如通勤者、卡车司机、销售人员、豪华轿车司机和出租车司机。然而,由于互联网的可访问性和技术技能等原因,向这个目标市场发起销售的机会似乎有限。


Apple not only considers its brand or line extension as the strategy, but also it has been using a combination of both. For a number of years, at Apple, the branding strategy has been focused on the development of state of the art products and services in alignment with the digital strategy. Under this strategy, the computer items of Macintosh Company have been working as the digital hub for a number of digital devices. In the current era, Apple has also been providing a harmonized, synchronized and integrated experience of consumer all across the main devices of the company. There is utilization of iCloud for the purpose of digital hub (Valos et al., 2010). The company is currently working to prolong this experience beyond the controlled setting of the company by the presentation of deep integration with the network of social media.


The customer markets to be targeted for the purpose of this plan include people within the age group of 18 years to 32 years as these customers are highly tech savvy. These are the ones having willingness and demand for making payment for the features and products they desire. Hence, it becomes crucial to understand how customers have been making buying decision for the successful sale of the product. This further involves the selection of college- educated and younger individuals being the key potential market platform for the respective product (Andersen and Paas, 2014). In addition, there will be users of the hands-free features which include individuals spending significant time in travelling, such as commuters, truck drivers, sales persons, limo drivers and taxi. However, there appears to be restricted opportunities for initiating sale to this target market for a number of reasons like accessibility of the internet and skills in technology.
