美国毕业论文代写:Portico Group花园项目

美国毕业论文代写:Portico Group花园项目

Descanso garden的空间管理人员通常负责的各种项目都是与不同的客户合作进行的,这些客户在吸引私人和公共机构利用花园的空间开发新项目方面发挥了重要作用。例如,Descanso花园最成功的项目之一是Portico Group,该项目主要致力于提高花园的可持续性。Portico集团发起的这个项目价值巨大,因为它将花园变成了回收和处理花园废弃物的一个来源。与该项目相关的关键要素是提高花园的蓄水水平,使其在旱季变得有益(Descanso, 2017)。Portico Group的成员主要关注花园的所有主要区域,并采用最新的应用和技术来维护花园的使命和愿景

美国毕业论文代写:Portico Group花园项目

Portico Group的项目开始于2009年,历时1年左右才完成。在项目完成的过程中,成员和Descanso花园周围的社区都得到了很大的好处,因为这个可持续的项目帮助控制了花园产生的垃圾数量,并帮助回收这些垃圾以供未来使用。Drake和Lawson(2014)认为,美国的社区花园在吸引政府和其他园丁将空置的角色集中开发成绿地,以改善国家生态系统方面发挥了重要作用(Drake和Lawson, 2014)。

美国毕业论文代写:Portico Group花园项目

The various projects which are generally undertaken by the space managers in Descanso Gardens are in collaboration with different clients which play a major role in attracting private and public bodies to use the space in the garden to develop new projects . For example, one of the most successful projects of Descanso Gardens was undertaken by The Portico Group which mainly focused on enhancing the sustainability of the garden. The value of the project launched by The Portico Group was huge as it helped to turn the garden into a source of recycling and disposing of waste materials from the garden. The key elements associated with this project are to improve the water storage level of the garden so that it can be beneficial during dry seasons (Descanso, 2017). The members of The Portico Group majorly focused on all the major areas of the garden and implemented their latest applications and technologies to maintain the mission and vision of the garden.

美国毕业论文代写:Portico Group花园项目

The project of the Portico Group initially started in 2009 and it took around 1 year to finally complete the project. During the process of completion of the project, the members as well as the community surrounding the Descanso Gardens were largely benefited as the sustainable project helped in controlling the amount of waste which was generated from the gardens and also assisted in recycling them for future use. According to Drake and Lawson (2014), it was observed that community gardens in US plays a major role in attracting government and other gardeners to focus on develop the vacant role into greenery in order to improve the eco-system of the country (Drake and Lawson, 2014).
