

泰勒的科学管理在现代组织中获得了更大的重要性和地位。在过去的几十年里,各个行业都有了长足的发展,管理也发生了翻天覆地的变化。大型跨国公司,如谷歌,亚马逊,摩托罗拉和微软,据说有效地使用泰勒主义多年,并取得了更高的生产率和利润。据称,摩托罗拉公司已经将终端应用于员工的手臂上,作为绑带,帮助他们高效地工作,并随时监视他们。据说特纳建筑公司正在用无人机监视工人和体育场施工现场的工作进度。麦当劳有效地使用泰勒理论来成功地运营其业务,并保持其员工的快乐(Mortenson, Doherty & Robinson, 2015)。

在现代社会,泰勒的理论无疑得到了组织的认可和应用。它帮助管理层和工人实现了业务目标。在数字时代,使用泰勒的理论对公司来说是非常划算的。新技术减轻了管理人员和工人在组织管理过程中应用最科学方法的努力。然而,它对工人有负面影响。因为持续的绩效测量可能会在员工中产生心理障碍和低效率员工的下垂(Glisson, 2015)。据报道,谷歌、埃森哲(Accenture)和通用电气(General Electric)等跨国公司已经得出结论,认为科学管理是适得其反的,他们已经抛弃了这个概念(Shafritz, Ott & Jang, 2015)。




Taylor’s scientific management has attained greater importance and position in modern organisations. Industries have grown massively over last century and management has changed its facets in the last few decades. Massive MNCs like Google, Amazon, Motorola and Microsoft are said to be efficiently using Taylorism for years and have achieved higher rate of productivity and profit. Motorola is said to have applied terminals that are used as straps for the worker’s arms to help them do their jobs efficiently and keep tabs on them. It is heard that Turner construction is using drones to keep watch on the workers and the progress of work at the construction site of a stadium. McDonalds efficiently uses Taylor theories to run its business successfully and keep its employees happy (Mortenson, Doherty & Robinson, 2015).

In modern world, Taylor’s theories have definitely been appreciated and used by the organisations. It has helped both the management and the workers to achieve the business goals. In the digital era, using the Taylor’s theories has been very cost effective to the companies. New technologies have eased the efforts of both the management and the workers to apply the most scientific approaches for the management processes in organisations. However, it has negative impacts on the workers. Since continuous measurement of performance can create mental disturbance among the employees and sagging of the less efficient workers (Glisson, 2015). It is reported that MNCs like Google, Accenture and General Electric have concluded that scientific management is counter-productive and they have discarded the concept (Shafritz, Ott & Jang, 2015).


Thus, it can be concluded that the scientific management has been more relevant in present times and in future rather than the 20the century. It is because of the availability of new technologies which the organisations make good use of for achieving business goals. However, there are some MNCs which have discarded scientific management in both the times. One cannot deny that every concept has pros and cons. While companies like McDonalds, Motorola, Microsoft, have gained at large from Taylor’s scientific management, some companies have also found harmful aspects of Taylor’s theories of scientific management in their business operations and negative effects on employees therefore decided to discard it (as mentioned above). There will always be such cases. Nevertheless, scientific management has led to high pay scale for the employees. The work load has been divided into small parts, hence decreased and right persons are getting right jobs at the organisations. Authorities have now become conscious about good work environment and equal facilities for workers.
