



The presented concept of health can be seen as a form of ambiguity as it is elusive, complex and multidimensional. As defined by WHO (1948), health is a condition of complete social, mental and physical well- being, not merely the lack of infirmity and disease. This definition can be considered as holistic, while there are three components interrelated with health that are mental (intellectual, emotional and psychological state of the human), social (ability of functioning and connecting as a member of the society) and physical components (functioning of the biological systems of the body).
However, apart from this definition, the definition by Huber et al. (2011) can be considered better: the ability of self- managing and adapting while facing emotional, physical and social challenges. Hence, health can be seen as a motivating and elusive idea. On the other hand, illness can be referred to as a reasonably severe disease with the effects of incapacitation making the entire setting undesirable. Obviously, this condition can be considered as undesirable due to the negative features. Illness holds a key requirement of treatment. It can be referred to as a condition defining medical issue with respect to disability, defect or impairment, and hence, there is a requirement of medical attention. More often, illness is considered as a valid excuse for behaviour that is normally criticized. The key implication is that an ill individual may not help in fulfilment of normative expectations and roles.


首先,一些疾病可以被看作是文化意义下的具体体现。这有助于形成社会在他们经历疾病时的反应。其次,所有疾病都有一个社会建构,基于对疾病的理解和沿着疾病生活(Broom, 2014)。再往前看,在考虑残疾人的时候,没有必要把健康和疾病的状况与医学知识联系起来,而是可以像我自己一样,由利益相关方和索赔人来开发和构建。


Firstly, a number of illnesses can be seen as specifically embedded under the meaning of culture. This helped in shaping the response of society as they experienced illness. Secondly, there is a social construction of all illnesses, on the basis of understanding and living along the illness (Broom, 2014). Further ahead, when considering disabled people, it is not necessary to consider and link the condition of health and illness with medical knowledge, but can be developed and constructed by the interested parties and claims makers, as myself.
Therefore, as I referred to this resource, the conceptual framework for my research became social constructionism, in which key emphasis is laid upon historical and cultural aspects of phenomena thought widely in accordance with their exclusive nature. When considering differently, social constructionism helps in examining how groups and individuals contribute to the perceived production of social knowledge and reality.
