

特别是在上世纪七八十年代经济起飞的阶段,香港逐渐成为国际大都市,并获得国际认可。经济的繁荣和发展必然导致消费主义时代的到来(Bornstein, 2008)。在世俗追求的世界里,个人被群体所解散。此外,香港是一个商业社会,经济自由竞争,经济形式多样。《香港奇迹——经济成就的文化力量》一书中阐述:“香港人只有自力更生,像孤儿一样坚定勇敢地寻求生存。”社会环境迫使他们时刻保持警惕。否则,他们将被社会淘汰。”




在这样的背景下,人们的生活是复杂多变的,对于香港的后现代编剧来说,人际关系充满了偶然性、随机性和突发性。人们的思想呈现出碎片式的特征,他们的生存状态显得不切实际、没有根基。传统的叙事模式从生活状态、职业身份、因果关系等方面入手,塑造人物形象。在全球及国际企业垄断的生活格局中,纽约、东京或香港的所有人都生活在同样的大众传媒语言中,穿着同样品牌的衣服和鞋子,过着同样的生活。在后现代文化氛围中,人们发现自己的经历与他人并没有太大的不同。物质和智力产品成为消费时代的象征(Berry et al, 2013)。甚至“人”本身也具有象征意义。因此,后现代电影的一个重要特征表现在王家卫的电影剧本中,人物形象的符号化、人与人之间的沟通受阻、对沟通的渴望、对无根生存条件下被拒绝的恐惧。



Especially at the stage of economic take-off in the 1970s and 1980s, Hong Kong gradually turned into an international metropolis and gained international recognition. Economic boom and development inevitably lead to the arrival of the consumerism age (Bornstein, 2008). In the world of mundane pursuits, individuals are dissolved by groups. In addition, Hong Kong is a commercial society with free economy and competition and diversified economic forms. The book Hong Kong Miracle—Cultural Power of Economic Achievements expounds, “Hong Kong people can only support themselves and seek for survival stoutly and bravely like orphans. The social environment forces them to be vigilant all the time. Otherwise, they will be eliminated by the society.”
‘Hong Kong Miracle—The economic success of cultural power’, Deliang Zheng, 1993
In such kind of economic environment, Hong Kong people have to struggle in the world of material desires. In the process of adapting themselves to the social environment, they do not possess transcendence or show interest in spirit, value, truth, social good and evil and so on any more, but retreat to personal life and feelings.
In the meanwhile, the rootlessness of Hong Kong culture intensifies the generation of plane, symbolic and rootless postmodern personality of Hong Kong people.
In such a context, life of people is complicated and changeable, and interpersonal relationship is full of occasionality, randomness and burstiness for postmodern scriptwriters in Hong Kong. People’s thoughts takes on debris-style characteristics and their state of existence appears to be impractical and rootless. Traditional narrative mode starts from state of life, occupational identity, and cause-and-effect relationship and so on and depicts character images. In the life pattern with the monopoly of global and international enterprises, all the people in New York, Tokyo or Hong Kong live in the same language of mass media, wear clothes and shoes of the same brands and lead a similar life. In the postmodern cultural atmosphere, people find that there’s not much difference in their experiences from others. Material and intellectual products become a symbol of the consumption age (Berry et al, 2013). Even “people” themselves are symbolized. Therefore, an important characteristic of postmodern films manifested in the film scripts of Karwai Wong, the symbolization of character images and blocked communication among people, yearning for communication and fear of rejection under rootless living conditions.
Thus, it can be seen that the environment of postmodernism creates a strong essence of cities in Wong’s films. At that time, “Karwai Wong’s films” had almost become a fashionable word of films. In the Chinese film industry or the international film industry, any of his specific techniques which demonstrate the psychological time and space of urban life can become classic. He embodies the world he perceives in the artistic conception and style of flowing images. Therefore, his films are equipped with postmodernism characteristics in content or in form in Hong Kong which is a special territory with cultural collision and blending.
