





The Business vision concept is the main part of the establishment plans where the business idea in the long run, the form of business culture, the business philosophy and more are considered in context. Vision sets both the long-term goals and short-term goals and based on the long-term goals, it leads to building of short term ones


Vision statement from existing companies,Vision statement from existing small business services shows that they aim for two forms of vision creation.
There are the small business services that want to create a vision that sets them apart in the industry, and then there are the businesses that create a vision that sets them apart in any industry. Let us consider as example, the business A which is in e-grocery retail. The business’s vision is to become the number one in e-grocery retail industry within the next one year. This is a vision statement pertaining to the industry and now the company will work towards achieving the same by setting up short term goals. On the other hand, company B that is in e-grocery retail would have a vision to ensure that the health of people is built by its products year after year. Now the second vision statement includes as stakeholders not only the business but also the consumers. It is better than the first in intent. However, the first vision is more measurable and can be considered as a SMART objective.


