

人类一直是一种好奇的动物,不断挖掘人类和物质遗迹的过去。他对古代和现代人类文化的变化和进步进行了评估,帮助我们了解人类的行为、文化、社会以及更多从人类祖先进化到现代生活的东西。它是一个吸引了大量个人和人类的课题。Quasyr Amra就是因其沙漠城堡而在世界上流行的一种考古元素,它位于约旦目前的地区。建于乌马亚德时期,是沙漠地区保存最完整的城堡之一。这座城堡因在那里发现的壁画而闻名。壁画是伊斯兰艺术中最好的例子之一。壁画是一种与乌马亚德王朝的文化和品味相关的概念,但它也反映了古希腊和拜占庭艺术传统在古代建立的联系。除此之外,这些壁画还反映了一个人在过去从美索不达米亚、波斯等文明中受到的影响。虽然在这些壁画中可以看到大量的艺术风格,但是没有一个是使用传统的方法和风格。浴室里的图像是艺术形式不专业的最好例子。本文将对库萨伊尔壁画中西艺术风格相结合的意义进行探讨。

因此,可以看出,Quasyr Amra是历史时期保存最好的古迹之一,它描绘了不同风格的影响,尤其是来自东方和西方的影响。它是描述穆斯林对艺术和绘画创作兴趣的纪念碑之一。虽然伊斯兰教一般是一种非象似性的宗教,但它所描绘的艺术形式是非形象性、非模仿性的。因此,以人物的形式创作这幅杰作,是西方影响的有力例证。除此之外,壁画的制作方式也让人清晰地了解到东西方的艺术风格和影响。无论是Quasyr Amra的建筑还是美丽的壁画,这个地方在世界上产生了巨大的影响。

在本研究中,主要研究的是在Quasyr Amra壁画中创作的东西方艺术风格的影响。对代表东方影响的壁画和代表西方影响的壁画进行了探讨。除此之外,人们还发现壁画是如何设计的,以及整座宫殿是如何建造的。对东西方艺术风格的影响进行了深入的研究。此外,还讨论了一种不同的艺术风格,如希腊风格、萨珊风格和拜占庭艺术传统在这些艺术形式中得到了体现。


Human being has always been a curious animal, who keeps digging into the past aspects of the human and material remains. He has evaluated the changes and advancement in the ancient and modern human culture helping us to understand the kind of human behaviour, culture, society and more that has evolved from the forbearers of human breed to the modern day livings. It is a subject which has appealed to a large number of individuals and human beings. One such archaeological element which is popular in the world for its desert castles and is located in the present areas of Jordan is the Quasyr Amra. Build during the time frame of Umayyad period, it has proved to be one of the most preserved castle which has been made in the desert regions. The castle has been well known because of the frescoes which have been found there. The frescoes are some of the finest examples of Islamic art. The frescos is something which gives an idea related to the culture and tastes which have been followed in the Umayyad dynasty but it also reflects the link which has been established in the ancient Greek and Byzatine art tradition during the ancient times. In addition to this, these frescoes also reflect the influences which a person has gained from the Mesopotamia, Persia and other civilizations in the past times. Though, there are a large number of styles of art which can be seen in these frescoes, none of them makes the use of conventional approaches and styles. The images which are in the bath complex are the best example of the unprofessional form of art. In this research paper the discussion on the significance of combination of Eastern and western artistic style of Frescoes of Qusayr will be done.
Thus, it can be observed the Quasyr Amra is one of the best preserved monuments from the historical times which depict the influence of different styles particularly from the east and also from the west. It is one of the monuments which depict the interest of Muslims for the creations of art and paintings. Though, generally Islam is a religion which is not iconographic, it depicts the forms of art which are non-figural and non-imitating. Thus, the creation of the masterpiece in the form of figures was something which was solid proof of the examples of the western influence. In addition to this, the frescos has been made in such a manner that they give the clear idea of the eastern and western art styles and influences. Be it the architecture of the Quasyr Amra or the beautiful Frescos, this place has created a great influence in the world.
In this research paper, the study has been focused on the influence of the eastern and the western art styles which were created in the frescos at Quasyr Amra. The discussion was done on the frescos which represented the eastern influence the ones which represented the influence from the west. Other than this, it has also been found that how the Frescoes were designed and the ways in which the construction of the entire palace was done. The influence of the eastern and the western styles of art have been deeply investigated. Also, a different style of art such as Hellenistic style, Sasanian style and the Byzantine tradition of art which has been implemented in these forms of art has been discussed.
