
美国论文没过怎么办:芭蕾舞是一种艺术舞蹈,它模仿优雅,体现了演员的准确性。表演者表演复杂的动作,源于奉献,象征着主题的主题。在这种行为艺术中可以看到古典版本和现代主义的解释(Amberg, 2013)。感知被发现是艺术欣赏的一个关键因素。阿多诺、布迪厄和麦克罗比提出了许多定义,说明了决定人们对各种艺术形式看法的因素。

对审美表现和审美标准的分析并不在于审美美的实际欣赏。这是一种以社会艺术形式伪装的精英主义(Veblen, 2007)。西奥多·阿多诺的文化产业理论取代了这一概念,认为艺术形式是商业化的(阿多诺,1997)。由此可见,这种艺术形式存在着大规模的商业化和同质化。在艺术形式的欣赏中,隐藏着经济地位和阶级。这一理论的灵感来自马克思主义理论。在当代现代主义对艺术形式的解读中,存在着一个隐藏的议程。表演艺术与娱乐指向了资本主义的谬论,应该让社会感到不安。阿多诺的理论也指出了现代艺术形式的自命不凡(阿多诺,1997)。皮埃尔·布迪厄的文化资本理论指出,社会中存在的经济阶层构成了下一代文化资本的创造。这种文化通过具体的或继承的文化、制度文化或学术文化以及客体文化的所有权来表现(Bourdieu, 1987)。布迪厄提出,这构成了知觉的形成。在这个体系中存在着一个根深蒂固的经济学阶层。这些理论被发现是建立在感知的基础上的(布迪厄,1987)。然而,在这些社会中也发展了另一种思想流派。Angela McRobbie提出了社会个性化的概念。社会所持有的信仰是分裂的。在当代,人们对个体情感和个体心理的发展给予了严肃的考虑(McRobbie, 1994)。当代个性化媒体内容和大众媒体的发展,为艺术欣赏提供了新的维度。这在社会中也得到了重视。除了经济学之外,阶级的个性化和大众媒体的影响力也在不断上升,它们决定着人们的看法(McRobbie, 1994)。



美国论文没过怎么办:Ballet is an artistic dance that emulates grace and personifies the accuracy of the performers. Performers perform intricate movements that stem from dedication and symbolize the key motif theme. Classical versions and modernistic interpretations are seen in this performance art (Amberg, 2013). Perception was found to be a key element for the appreciation of the arts. Adorno, Bourdieu and McRobbie have proposed a number of definitions for what factors determine the perception of various art forms.
Analysis of the Performancetandards of taste do not lie in the actual appreciation of the aesthetical beauty. It is a sense of elitism masquerading in the form of arts in the society (Veblen, 2007). In lieu of this concept, Theodore Adorno Culture industry theory states that there is commercialization of the art forms (Adorno, 1997). According to this, there is mass commercialization and homogeneity that is observed in this art form. There is hidden economic status and class that is found in appreciation of the art forms. This theory draws its inspiration from the Marxist theory. There is hidden agenda that is observed in contemporary modernist interpretation of the art forms. Performance arts and entertainment points to the fallacies of the capitalism and should be discomforting to the societies. Adorno’s theory also points to the pretentiousness of modern art forms (Adorno, 1997). Pierre Bourdieu culture capital theory points towards the fact that economic classes that exist in society constitutes towards the creation of the culture capital in the next generation. This culture is manifested through embodied or inherited culture, institutional or academic culture and through the ownership of object culture (Bourdieu, 1987). It has been proposed by Bourdieu that this constitutes toward formation of perception. There is a deep-seated economics class that exists in this system. These theories are found to lay foundation on the roots of perception (Bourdieu, 1987). Nevertheless, there is also another school of thought that has been developed in the societies. Angela McRobbie proposes the notions of individualization in the societies. There is fragmentation of beliefs held by the societies. In the modern contemporary times, there are serious considerations given to individual feelings and development of the individual psyche (McRobbie, 1994). Development of individualized media content and mass media in the contemporary times has given rise to new dimensions for the appreciation of the arts. This has also gained prominence in the societies. Apart from economics, class there is a rising individualization and mass media influence that dictates perception (McRobbie, 1994).
From a personal standpoint, it can be said that ballet is an important art that has aided towards development of the performance arts. Commercially, entertaining performance like Capricious Maneuvers is an audacious and exuberant representation of the fun element in ballet. However, it is understood that there is a certain level of economics class hierarchy that is involved in the appreciation of arts. This performance was simply entertaining. Nonetheless, it is manifestation of the fact that art can be simplistic and fun.
Personification of the arts has a certain level of verisimilitude that symbolizes the society. Marxist ideology of class and the impact of class economics in perception of individuals are indeed true. There is a hidden economics that helps in conforming perceptions of individuals. Nevertheless, there is also a strong individualization in the societies. This has led to people from all strata to appreciate art. Mass media culture also influences how people perceive art. Ballet always was found to elite recognition in the societies. Capricious Maneuvers ballet performance was a light, athletic fun performance. To conclude, this performance is a symbolization of the fun aspect of the art world. Personally, I was appreciative of this performance because of the athletic ability and gracefulness of the performers.
