

人胚胎生殖细胞中H3K4me3、H3K27me3、H3K9me2和H3K9me3的表达水平有待进一步研究。研究表明,H3K4me3和H3K27me3可能与人胚胎生殖细胞的未分化状态有关。如果H3K27me3参与了发育基因的抑制,则应将其作为进一步研究的重点。本研究发现H3K9ac在人胚胎生殖细胞发育过程中的动态变化。但是,目前的结果并不可靠。应用western blot技术和蛋白提取技术对妊娠期人胚胎生殖细胞进行分析,进一步研究。这一结果和前人的研究已经证实,5hmC在人类生殖细胞发育中具有重要的作用。需要进一步的研究来理解5hmC在人类生殖细胞中的意义。这可以通过hmedip测序和葡萄糖基转移酶定量聚合酶链反应技术来确定。DNA去甲基化与人胎儿卵巢减数分裂前期I的关系有待进一步探讨。本研究发现,DNA去甲基化后的人胎儿性腺可与RA进行较长时间的培养,并可表达减数分裂基因。这将导致它被进一步检测,并将有助于理解它们将如何影响人类胎儿卵巢减数分裂前期I粉。组蛋白乙酰化也可以在未来的机制中进行探索。睾丸癌的表观遗传控制可以通过未来的研究来了解。这可以通过开发一种机制来实现。


There should be more studies on human germ line cells regarding the H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K9me2 and H3K9me3 in human fetal germ cells. Research indicates that H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 might be associated with the undifferentiated status in human fetal germ cells. Using this as a focal point further research should be undertaken about H3K27me3 if they are involved in the repressions of the developmental genes. It was found from this research that the dynamic change of H3K9ac during human fetal germ cell development is observed. However the results indicated are currently not reliable. Further research should be undertaken by analysis of the human fetal germ cell during gestation period by using the techniques of western blotting and protein extraction. It has been established from this results and the previous studies that there is an important role of 5hmC in human germ cell development. Further research is required to understand the implications of 5hmC in the human germ cells. This can be determined by using the techniques of hmeDIP-Sequencing and glucosyltransferase-quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The relationship between DNA demethylation and meiotic prophase I in human fetal ovaries needs to be probed further it has been found from this research that the DNA demethylated human fetal gonads can be cultured with RA for a longer period and the expression of meiotic genes. This can lead it to being detected further and will enhance in understanding how they will impact the meiotic prophase I in human fetal ovaries TET I. And histone acetylation can also be probed in future mechanisms. Testicular cancer epigenetic control can be understood by future research. This can be devised by developing a mechanism.
