

不同的理论被用来解释媒体的作用。新闻的四种理论包括威权主义模式、共产主义模式、自由主义模式和社会责任。在威权模式下,社会精英控制着媒体。在共产主义模式下,媒体的职能是充当政府的喉舌。自由主义的模式是将新闻呈现为客观的时尚(Siebert, Peterson & Schramm, 1956)。这种自由主义模式在社会责任模式中受到了批判。在这篇文章中,我们讨论了新闻报道中的社会责任。


宣传模型解释了近代媒体行为是由利益驱动的制度驱动的。与自由主义的媒体理论相反,宣传模型解释说,新闻媒体的利益是为既定的权力服务(Siebert, Peterson & Schramm, 1956)。有一种人为的同意和形成公众舆论的努力。新闻报道中的安全问题一直受到《2014年国家安全立法修正案(第1号)》(Cth)的控制,该修正案解释了社会责任和新闻自由的程度(Vos & Heinderyckx, 2015)。


Different theories are used to explain about the role of the press. Four theories of press include authoritarian model, communist model, libertarian model and social responsibilities. In the authoritarian model, the elitist of the society controls the media. In the communist model, the press functions as a voice of the government. The libertarian model was about presenting the news as objective fashion (Siebert, Peterson & Schramm, 1956). This libertarian model is critiqued in the social responsibility model. In this there is discussion of the social responsibility of the press while presenting the news.


The propaganda model explains that the media behavior is driven by a profit driven system in the recent times. In contrast to the liberal theories of media, the propaganda model explains that the interests of the news media outlets are to serve the established power (Siebert, Peterson & Schramm, 1956). There is a manufactured consent and efforts taken to shape public opinion. The security issues in the presentation of the news has been controlled by National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2014 (Cth) where it explains about the social responsibility and the extent of press freedom (Vos & Heinderyckx, 2015).
