

1.2.3 DFS在线营销工具

微博是最著名的在线营销工具之一,其在线服务的应用是无限的。因此,大多数公司和个人都成功通过这一媒介推广他们的产品和服务(Lu et al,2012)。


微博有许多与DFS集团业务模式兼容的功能。由于中国市场是DFS的重要市场之一,它需要一个在线互动平台来吸引更多的中国消费者。大多数微博用户的年龄分布与DFS目标群体相对应。主要的目标年龄分布可以从30 – 60年下降,因为它提供了许多适合这个年龄段的产品。因此,微博的多样化应用是DFS与来自不同背景的中国人民的理想平台,并通过互联网(Yeo和Li,2012)将这一范围广泛的消费者整合在一起。

我的导师Christina Jiang告诉我,DFS有社交媒体的问题,在它的微博账户里,DFS有一个微博,并没有给客户带来多大的利益(Jiang,2014)。DFS微博(图1.4)。因此,她希望我想出一个策略来提高DFS微博的质量,以吸引更多的客户,并增加客户与DFS的互动。我也觉得做一项基于策略的研究可以帮助我在应用知识的背景下学习更多。


1.2.3Online Marketing Tool for DFS

Weibo is one of the most famous online marketing tool and the applications of this online service is unlimited. Therefore, most of the companies and individuals have been successful in promoting their products and services through this medium (Lu et al, 2012).

1.2.4The value of Weibo to the DFS Group

Weibo has many features which are compatible with the business model of DFS Group. Since Chinese market is one of the important market for DFS, it needs an online interactive platform to attract more customers across China. The age distribution of most Micro Blog users is corresponding to DFS target group. The primary target age distribution can fall from 30 – 60 years as it offers many products which can suit this age groups. Thus, the diverse applications of Weibo can be an ideal platform for DFS to connect to Chinese people from different backgrounds and integrate this wide range of consumers under one umbrella through the internet (Yeo and Li, 2012).

My mentor Christina Jiang informed me that DFS had social media problems in that its Weibo account, through which DFS hosts a micro-blog, has not been able to generate much interest to the customers (Jiang, 2014). Weibo of DFS, (picture 1.4). Therefore, she wanted me to come up with a strategy to improve the quality of Weibo of DFS to attract more customers and to increase customers’ interaction with DFS. I too felt that doing a strategy based study would help me learn more in the context of applying my acedmic knowledge.
