

研究人员对购物中心的设计、地点的适宜性和技术的使用进行了各种研究。地理学家将经济学方法分为中心位置理论和相互作用理论两大类(BeiL, 1967)。为了衡量一个合适的零售贸易区,应用了市场营销地理学,这被称为一般互动理论。


像W. Applebaum和B. Epstein一样,店面选址从业者(BeiL(1967)这样称呼他们,他们通过划分零售贸易区来检查和评估购物中心。Applebaum在他的研究中提到,在计划建设购物中心的特定城市中,营销地理位置对于零售分销渠道非常重要。商品从生产者到消费者的转移方式也是决定零售中心地理位置和设计的重要因素。Applebaum在研究中强调学术知识并不比地理知识重要。地理知识对于了解特定地点的人口、地图、数据、文化和行为非常重要。购物中心的交易区代表了消费市场,可以用一种他称之为“顾客定位”的技术来划定(Reilly, 1931)。另一位名叫巴特·爱泼斯坦(Bart Epstein)的研究人员解释说,对规划的评估很重要,阿普勒鲍姆的技术也很重要,这样才能对城市中任何购物中心或购物中心的建设做出最终决定。


The researchers had been conducting various researches in relation to the design of malls, suitability of locations and use of technologies. The geographers have divided the economic approach in to two research categories as Central Place theory and Interaction Theory (BeiL, 1967). In order to measure a right retail trade area, the applied marketing geography is applied, and this is called general interaction theory.


The store location practitioners, as BeiL (1967), calls them, like W. Applebaum and B. Epstein, examine and evaluate shopping centers by demarcating retail trade areas. Applebaum mentioned in his research that marketing geography is important with the channels of retail distribution in the specific city where the shopping malls are planned to construct. The way good moves from producer to consumer are also important factor in deciding the retail center geography, location and design. Applebaum emphasized in the research that academic knowledge is not much important than geography knowledge of that area. The geography knowledge is important to understand the population, map, data, culture, behavior about that particular location. The trade area of the shopping centers represented the consumer market and could be delineated by a technique he named “customer spotting” (Reilly, 1931). Other researcher called ‘Bart Epstein explained that evaluation of the planning is important and also Applebaum’s technique is important in order to make the final decision for the construction of any shopping center or mall in the city.
