



业务组织的复杂性使得在任何组织中都有必要对领导问题进行重要的处理和管理。参与式领导允许赋予员工权力,为提高组织效率创造了更广阔的空间。一直在不断评估是否需要让领导承担起在组织团队的工作中发挥协同作用的作用。这种努力需要对制度进行适当的投资,这就使领导层有责任在管理与人民有关的问题时保持灵活的方法。这也意味着,处于领导地位的人必须明确地采取创造适当环境的政策,以发展员工的积极性水平和他们在运营中的效率(George and Jones, 2012)。


The presence of suitable organizational culture is developed on the basis of the leadership and supporting processes. Organizational culture comes under the direct influence of leadership positions. There is a strong connection between the transformational and empowering leadership and organizational drive for innovation and promotion of ethical norms. The purpose of leadership has been seen to create the fertile grounds which can allow the development of the suitable culture that is likely to enable growth of the operations. However, suitable organizational culture can be developed on the basis of the transformational leadership which takes into account holistic assessment of the internal and external environment of the organization .


The complexity of the business organizations makes it necessary for the significant handling and management of the leadership issue in any organization. Participative leadership which allows the empowerment of the employees creates wider scope for improvement in the efficiency of the organization. There has been constant assessment of the need to have leadership take up the role of bringing synergy within the working of the organizational teams. Such kind of effort calls for the need to have proper investment in system which creates a responsibility upon the leadership to remain flexible in its approach to manage the people related issues. This would also mean that the people dealing in the leadership position would have to clearly undertake the policies of creating right environment to develop motivation level of the people and their efficiency in the operations (George and Jones, 2012).
