

Easiyo是一家总部位于新西兰的乳制品公司,成功将产品出口到欧洲和亚洲国家。它的产品类别以及从一开始就和他们一起工作的忠实员工的生产过程是成功的。保罗·奥布莱恩(Paul O’Brien)是该公司的首席执行官,他于2009年加入,并且从加入时起就将增长率提高了30%。尽管取得了里程碑式的成就,但在管理和运营方面却经历了一些基本的问题。这篇文章将提到Easiyo所面临的问题,并将考虑与一些管理理论一起进行阐述,并采取一些具体的补救措施来纠正所面临的问题并消除其未来的可能性。



Easiyo is a dairy product company headquartered in New Zealand and is successfully exporting its products to European and Asian countries. It is successful in its product category as well as the production process carried out by their loyal staff who have been with them since the beginning. Paul O’Brien is the CEO of the company who joined in 2009 and has steered the growth to a 30% increments from when he joined. In spite of several milestones achievement, it has experienced some basic problems in management and operations. This essay will mention the issues faced by Easiyo and will consider one to elaborate upon along with some management theories and applying certain specific remedial measures to rectify the issue faced and eliminate its likelihood in the future.

Issues faced by Easiyo
Besides, the production staff even though after graduating from the literacy and numeracy classes, they did not seem to be attentive over a long period of time. It is almost necessary for being creative and bring in new working patterns which keeps the interest of the workers intact and they are able to fully participate in the company’s collective goal achievement. This was lacking for a period and Paul who had been managing by walking around had been very dedicated in his role as a CEO but his liberal attitude towards some workers gave some workers a free hand to work and did not follow what was exactly meant to be followed.
Considering all the above mentioned issue faced by Easiyo, the issue of production staff and workers not being attentive to the training imparted to them in detail as it is a case of importance which can lay the foundation of the future performance of the company.
