

艾滋病毒和艾滋病已被列为一种传染病,它继续在全球某些地区迅速传播。它主要通过无保护的性接触传播,并可通过性接触在人与人之间传播。这使得人们避免拥有多个性伴侣变得非常重要,而这是导致艾滋病传播的主要原因。这种疾病不是通过身体接触传播的,如握手、触摸感染者的汗水或吃饭时共用一个勺子,这大大降低了疾病在人群中传播的能力(Kuriansky, 2016)。




HIV and AIDS have been classified as an infectious disease which continues to spread rapidly across certain regions of the globe. It is spread mainly through unprotected sexual contact and can be spread from person to person via sexual contact. This makes it very important for people to abstain from having multiple sexual partners which are the main cause associated with spreading the disease. The disease is not spread via physical contact like shaking hands, touching an infected person’s sweat or sharing the same spoon while eating which greatly reduces the disease ability to spread across the population (Kuriansky, 2016).


Patients diagnosed with HIV and AIDs are usually advised to manage the disease at home since there is no cure as of now. Proper management of the disease is advised whereby the patients must learn to take care of themselves. Proper management, reduced stress levels, consuming a balanced a balanced diet and regularly consuming medication helps improve the patient’s quality of life. As a result 99% of HIV patients are registered as outpatients at medical facilities who visit the clinic after regular intervals for their monthly check-ups .
