



在这个理论中已经发展出四种行为类型。S1告诉是领导者委托任务的单向通信(Riley, 2014)。在S2销售类型中,领导者定义方向。S3领导力是一种参与式的领导形式,它驱使人们参与(Snell, Morris and Bohlander, 2015)。在S4授权领导中,领导者试图保持对过程的控制和监控。该理论还讨论了相关人员的成熟度水平。它们的排名在M1到M4之间。在S标度和M标度的基础上发展了D标度。理想情况下,D4状态为高胜任力和高承诺阶段,D3状态为高胜任力和低承诺阶段,D2状态为低胜任力和低承诺阶段,D1状态为低胜任力和高承诺阶段(Bass and Riggio, 2006)。作为一个公式,公司应该将其应用到他们的操作过程中。


The Situational Leadership Theory was originally developed by Dr. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard. The fundamental objective of this leadership model is that there is not one solution that can lead towards developing of a particular style of leadership. It has been considered that the leadership is a task oriented and depends on the performance readiness of the group . This leadership varies based on the group the leader wants to influences. The leadership style and the individual performance readiness are the two important variables that are focused in this analysis.


There are four behaviour types that have been developed in this theory. S1 telling is the one-way communication in which the leader delegates the task (Riley, 2014). In S2 selling type, it is the kind where the leaders define the direction. S3 leadership is a participatory form of leadership that drives the people to participate (Snell, Morris and Bohlander, 2015). In S4 delegating leadership, the leader tries to maintain control and monitor the progress. The maturity levels of the people involved are also discussed in this theory. They are ranked between M1 to M4. Based on the S and M scales the D scales are developed. Ideally, the D4 state is the high competence and the high commitment stage, D3 is the high competence low commitment scale, D2 is the low competence and low commitment stage, and the D1 is the low competence and high commitment (Bass and Riggio, 2006). Using these as a formula, the companies should apply it to their operational procedures.
