





Holt (2012) opines that many brands develop a number of ideologies and unique strategies and only some of those strategies actually work and resonate with the people. This is the most important challenges that a brand faces in the current times. For the same consumer base, there are many competitors. In this, Chanel Company has fostered the heritage values associated with the brand and the notion of feminism as the cultural identity associated with the brand.


Nevertheless, Holt also explains the nuances of crowd culture and its implications can be derived . Crowd culture is the framework where the people want to follow real people rather than brands with commercial interest. The branding technology that works for one company will not work for another. There must not be focus of a specific digital tribe that would lead to slowing growth of the brand. The diffusion in social media is important and at the same time the brands must leverage and increase its target consumer base. Holt (2012) stated that the brands must break through the culture and generate newer cultural relevance. The digital technology enables easier facilitation of the ideology. Nevertheless, the issues of branding must be addressed Hence, Chanel Company has created a brand persona for the affluent independent women in the society. It is imperative for the brand to expand its target consumer base if it wants to sustain in the future . They must be able to create a newer cultural dynamic and not just focus on the heritage of the past.
