


在那段动荡的时期,有一位名叫埃尔西·艾略特(Elsie Elliott,后来改名为埃尔西·图)的英国女性一直在宣传她反对英国统治的观点。

总的来说,香港的大部分刊物都把艾略特女士描述为一位为香港社会作出很大贡献的英国女性。陆恭蕙在《地下战线》一书中对香港共产党社会运动的时代性进行了全面的考察。她将这段时期分为六个阶段,记录了一些重大事件。一开始,共产党并没有把香港作为一个重要的问题来对待。这是在最初的阶段。毛泽东主席需要处理中国的问题,包括与国民党政府的斗争和文化大革命。20世纪60年代,毛泽东认为英国殖民统治力量是中国人民的一大敌人。有很多关于左翼宣传的花言巧语。这被用作反对香港政府的主题。在1966年香港骚乱事件中,埃尔西•埃利奥特(Elsie Elliott)扮演了反对英国的重要角色,并帮助了北京政府。根据这本书,作者把她描述成一个专业的社区领导者。埃尔西·艾略特、李柱铭、司徒华、麦海华和刘皇试图揭露英国政府的做法。这说明Elsie Elliott与香港政界人士的地位相当。

在许多情况下,由功能界别选出的政治人物并没有得到公众的赞赏。埃尔西·埃利奥特的情况并非如此。她在香港的不断努力赢得了许多知识分子和专业人士的尊重。即使在她年老的时候,她仍然为香港居民而战。杨世民在《功能界别》一书中介绍,功能界别是立法会的重要组成部分,是香港这一制度的历史发展。由精英或能代表特殊群体的人选出来的香港,不仅有这样的治理实践,也有当今一些欧洲国家的治理实践。埃尔西·艾略特(Elsie Elliott)于20世纪80年代当选为立法会议员,是香港为数不多的政治人物之一;她是透过功能界别在立法会获得议席的八名女性之一。西蒙·杨指出,1991年,78岁的埃尔西·埃利奥特被选为会员之一。当选的成员要年轻得多。虽然他没有使用很多的高度赞扬和赞扬埃尔西埃利奥特,但通过这些小的描述可以发现,西蒙杨先生欣赏埃尔西埃利奥特在政治或社会领域所做的伟大工作。


There were high levels of corruption in October 1965. The Government decided that the Star Ferry first class fare price increases of between fifty to one hundred percent. However, it was contended that this was not really required price increase. It had directly caused citizen protest and this resulted in riots.
During that that turbulent period, there was a female English woman name Elsie Elliott (later named Elsie Tu) who kept propagating her views against the British rule.
In general, most of the publications in Hong Kong describe Elsie Elliott as a British woman who had contributed a lot towards the community of Hong Kong. In the book titled as “Underground Front”, Christine Loh make comprehensive investigation for the time orderliness of the Communist party’s social movement in Hong Kong. She divides this into six stages of the period that records some significant events. In the very beginning, the Communist party did not treat Hong Kong as an important issue. This was during the initial stages. Chairman Mao Zedong needed to deal with problems of China this includes battle with the Kuomintang government and The Culture Revolution. In 1960s, Mao Zedong assumed that British colonial governance power was one of the big enemies to the people of China. There was a lot of rhetoric about the left wing propaganda. This was used as a main theme that was used against the Hong Kong government. In the case of Hong Kong 1966 riots, Elsie Elliott, played an important role against the United Kingdom and helped the Beijing government. According to this book, the writer describes her as a professional and community leader. Elsie Elliot along with Martin Lee, Szeto Wah, Mak Hoi Wah and Lau Wong tried to expose the British governmental practices. This indicates that Elsie Elliott ranks in the same level as those people in Hong Kong’s political field.
In many cases, political figures who are elected by functional constituencies have not been appreciated by the public. This was not the case with Elsie Elliott. Her continuous hard work in Hong Kong has earned the respect from many intellectuals and professionals. She continued to fight for Hong Kong’s residents even in her old age. In the book titled as “Functional Constituencies”, Simon N.M. Young introduces that functional constituencies were an essential element in formation of the Legislative Council, the historical development of this system in Hong Kong. Elected by the elite or the person who can represent a special group of people, it is not only Hong Kong that has this governance practices but also some of the European countries existing in the current times. Elsie Elliott was elected as a Legislative Councilor during the 1980s, as one of the rarely seen political figures in Hong Kong; she was one of the eight women who had secured a place in the Legislative Council through Functional Constituencies. Simon Young pointed out that Elsie Elliott was elected to be one of the members at 78 years old in 1991. The elected members are much younger. Though he did not use a lot of high praises and lauded Elsie Elliott, through these small descriptions it can be found that Mr. Simon Young appreciated the great work done by Elsie Elliott in the political or social world.
