





There are many important factors that need to be considered while discussing about macroeconomics. It is important for all the members of the society and all income groups to grow. The government system favors the rich for growth. This would lead to the system where only the rich are benefitted. The book has highlighted this aspect very well, and also has attempted to strongly lay the foundation for understanding why there must be a fair capitalistic system that would favor the people in the society.


Currently, it is found to favor only the rich members of the society. This needs to change. All the people must be benefitted. The government must work towards the growth of the middle and the lower income groups in the society. There must be a general growth towards technology. The issues of sustainability and the comprehensive growth of all the members in the society must be considered. However, considering the populist rhetoric and stifling growth are also not the answers. The government must find ways to devise a plan where the system is more fair to reduce the inequality. This would come from broad policy changes. There is indeed income equality prevalent in everyday society, and it is a fact that one sees on the street. Although the United States has been understood to be a far more superior nation compared to most, this element of inequality could easily tip the scales.
