personal statement怎么写?

personal statement怎么写


personal statement怎么写

如何预防种族歧视,促进社会平等?Pauline Hanson表示,保护澳大利亚安全的唯一方法就是在这个国家阻止伊斯兰教。这是违反宪法的,永远不能执行,但是人民继续支持这种思想。政客们重申了对政治利益的恐惧。这需要在社会中从恐惧转变为希望和尊重。存在着隐性的种族主义和系统性的偏见。如果不加以制止,就会发生种族灭绝和战争。为了防止这种种族主义,领导人和人民应该拒绝歧视的概念。事实上,人们害怕他们的生活方式受到威胁。这种恐惧压倒了所有的常识,导致非理性行为。尽管有大量的人表示容忍,种族主义仍然存在于社会中。这需要人民来解决。根据研究文献的发现,将会有媒体发展到当地社区的人们。选择当地社区的原因是,世界领导人和受欢迎的名人传递的信息并不被认为是精英主义。人们感到害怕,需要根据当地社区发生的事件来减轻这种恐惧。为了尊重其他文化,人们应该变得基本舒适。正如戈林人所说,恐惧会驱使人们沉迷于他们感到羞耻的行为。因此,这种变化可以通过改变当地社区来实现。为此,有必要发展以当地社区人民为基础的媒体。这可以通过使用媒体工具来实现。

personal statement怎么写

How to prevent racial discrimination and promote social equality?In the modern liberal societies, no one would state that another person deserves to be condemned based on their race or gender identity. Nevertheless, there is an implicit bias, prejudice and stereotypes that exist in the society. There is a need to address this issue before it created unwarranted issues. More recently, there is a rise in the terrorist activity of the people. The people assumes that the religion of Islam is out to destroy other religions. This makes the people fear for their safety. This causes the people to react to the innocent Muslims in the society. Mainly because they do not know where the next attack would occur. The fear of the unknown assailant is echoed in many places. Pauline Hanson’s speech to the senate reiterated every one of the fundamental fear and assumed that preventing Muslims immigration in general would cause cessation of terrorist activity in the state. The fear of the unknown would cause the end of the liberal free society as the government and the people would start to act in radical ways to protect themselves.

personal statement怎么写

How to prevent racial discrimination and promote social equality?Pauline Hanson states that the only way to keep Australia safe is preventing Islam in the nation. This is against the constitution and can never be implemented, nevertheless the people continue to support this ideology. Politicians reiterate the fear for political gain. This needs to change from fear to hope and respect in the societies. There is implicit racism and systematic bias that exists. If it is not checked, there will be genocide and wars. In order to prevent this racism, leaders and the people should rejected notions of discrimination. Truth is people are fearful of their way of life being threatened. This fear overrides all common sense approach and leads to irrational actions. In spite of large scale voicing of tolerance, racism continues to exist in the societies. This needs to be addressed by the people. Based on the research literature findings, there would be media developed to reach to the people in the local communities.The reason for choosing the local communities is that the message of the world leaders and the popular celebrities are not considered to be elitist. People are scared and the fears need to be alleviated based on the events in each local community. The people should become fundamental comfortable in order to respect the other culture. As Göring states fear can drive people to indulge in actions that they feel ashamed. Hence this change can be brought on by bringing change in the local communities. For this there is a need to develop media based on the maneuvering of the people in the local communities. This can be achieved using media tools.

